Ready to Evolve in 2010

I was reading through old blog posts and found this one about

New Year Resolutions.  Frankly, it’s sort of fulfilling to read

a “resolution” and be able to say to yourself – I DID IT!

And the good thing is, there is still time in the year to

“evolve” more!



I read an email today about “resolutions”. It pretty much
mirrored my own belief now that resolutions just don’t produce
results. They are so mechanical. A list. At one point earlier in the
month I even decided to not make “resolutions” but to call them
“promises” to myself.
However, that was before I read a short email about not so
much as a “resolution” as an Evolution!

You see, as we get closer to the year 2010 (3 days), most of us
think about about new year ‘resolutions’…

But, let’s not think about a ‘resolution’ as much as
it is about ‘evolution’!

A resolution is a mechanical commitment you’ve
got to keep, whereas evolution is an emotional
commitment that keeps you!

For example, I am not interested in a resolution
to lose X pounds in 2010 (yikes), as much as I
am interested in evolving into a person of greater
respect for my body…

I am not interested in reading X number of self
development books in 2010 so much as
evolving into a person who is more confident,
better equipped to help others see their value,
and friendlier.

So, let’s rethink our “resolutions” and “promises”
to ourselves.

What’s on your 2010 EVOLUTION list?

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