From Fret to Follow – Coffee With Kim

Human nature presses us to do things our way. After all, aren’t we the captain of our ship? That’s what the world would have us to believe. Songs, poems, the great quotes by wise…humans.
They are just human.

Human facts

You know what the first facts about humans are?
We are frail.
We are imperfect.
We are unwise.

Just ask Eve a few years after she followed her own directions. I’m sure she realized she misdirected her ship.

It affected not only her life, but the entire human race.

Many times, I’ve found myself feeling fretful. What I’ve found during those times were a few things:

  • Thinking more with my mind, instead of the mind of God.
  • Feeling with my heart, rather than knowing the heart of God.
  • Acting with my physical strength, rather than God’s might and power.
  • Leaning into my nature, instead of blooming with the nature of God.

“Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Our behavior will change when we follow God’s directions. His directions challenge our attitudes, desires and thoughts. He leads us to think differently about situations. He directs us to adjust our thoughts about ourselves. He guides us to align our values. And yes, his directions even help us through our difficulties.” Proverbs 3:7-12

When we look at any situation through our microscope, we focus on the up close. We have limits because we see it through our eyes.
But, when we look at everything we do with heavenly lenses we change our desires.

Our desire to follow the Lord help us to focus on obedient actions.

Doing what He says.

I encourage you to stay on God’s path for your life. Make adjustments along the way.

It not only affects your actions, but your heart and mind…

Be blessed friends!

About Kim

When she’s not sweeping dog hair, experimenting in the kitchen, or doodling on paper, Kim C. Steadman is writing. She is a self-proclaimed cubicle-nation escapee and now lives her childhood dreams. Kim is a freelance writer, speaker and ministers alongside her family in Grand Prairie, TX. The acreage she and her husband care-take includes woods, fields and critters — all of which weave themselves into her writings.
She is the author of The Creative Prayer Journal: A 21-Day Prayer Challenge to Experiencing Meaningful Conversations With God, The Diary of a Recycled Dog and The Creative Keepsake Journal series.

Kim loves coffee, chocolate, and TexMex food. She also enjoys DIY projects that don’t include power saws & hiking in the mountains. Connect with her on Facebook at KimSteadmanAuthor


  • Karen Chase

    I want to do what you do, but I don’t have a clue how to publish. I have a blog that I have been writing on for several years but don’t know if anyone ever sees it. The name of it is, It’s hosted (?) with WordPress. I’m at a loss as to how to market it, how I can make money with it and how I can grow it into a business.
    How can you help me? I have so many things to say and want to help
    women find the Lord. I am a disciple trying to make disciples. Any suggestions?
    Karen Chase, MS
    The Sister Christian

  • Kim Steadman

    Hi Karen! First, I want to thank you for stopping by! I understand the frustration with figuring out the blogging world. Since your blog is hosted on WordPress (the free site) it’s hard to track who, if anyone, is seeing your blog. But, there is a method to the madness and there is a way to ‘get it all right.’ Since you also found my free Facebook Group, I can send you to some sources to help you navigate figuring out the Blogging for ‘more than a hobby’ mindset (i.e., means you want to earn some income from the blog and your writing)

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