Stop doing things for God. Do things with Him

Stop doing things for God – Coffee With Kim #1

Stop doing things for God. Do things with Him

Stop doing things for God. Do things with Him. I heard this phrase today as I was listening to a program online. It was one of those #TruthBomb #MicDrop moments.

It’s so easy to get into a hurry and rush, I’m doing this FOR His kingdom mentality. Today when I heard this statement my mind went back to a photo we have of my grandson and I walking along a sidewalk. Pappy (my hubs) took the picture. I wasn’t walking FOR our grandson. I was walking WITH him…at his pace.

Sometimes (many times) we have to wait on God’s timing, and it’s stinking HARD. But, it’s in the sweet moments of walking WITH someone that you have a chance to talk, laugh, look at the sites together and just enjoy being in each other’s company.

Quotes about patience and trusting attitude

Here is a quote from Joyce Meyer about a trusting and patient attitude.

“I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you’re able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.”

She has another one:

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”

Notice that both of these talk about our attitude while we are waiting.

Stop doing things for God

The more I’ve pondered on the idea of  “Stop doing things for God” I realize that sometimes my impatience stems from trying to do God’s work for Him. In other words, thinking I know more than God. “No, God, here’s how you do it.” I wonder if He doesn’t sometimes think I’m a stubborn toddler. <smile>

I am so thankful He is the epitome of patience, and is patient with His children, including me.

Learning timing and patience is hard. I know I need to learn to enjoy the journey….Can anyone relate? Am I the only one? I would love to hear your thoughts!

When she’s not sweeping dog hair, experimenting in the kitchen, or doodling on paper, Kim C. Steadman is writing. She is a self-proclaimed cubicle-nation escapee and now lives her childhood dream as a freelance writer, speaker and ministers alongside her family in Grand Prairie, TX. She and her husband care-take acreage which includes woods, fields and critters all of which weave themselves into her writings.

Author of The Creative Prayer Journal: A 21-Day Prayer Challenge to Experiencing Meaningful Conversations With God, The Diary of a Recycled Dog and The Creative Keepsake Journal series.

She loves coffee, chocolate, and TexMex food. She also enjoys DIY projects that don’t include power saws & hiking in the mountains. Connect with her on Facebook at KimSteadmanDesigns

One Comment

  • Debra L. Butterfield

    Kim, I totally agree. It’s so much better to work with God. And it’s such a small adjustment in our thinking! The Joyce Meyer quotes were good. Our attitudes affect every part of our lives.

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