Journal Ideas

Journal Junkie Journal Ideas

Available on Amazon

You may be a journal junkie if..

  • You have more than one blank journal, unused, on your shelf
  • You spend more time in the bookstore shopping for journals than on other book topics
  • Someone says the word ‘journal’ and you think of writing and colored pens
  • You spend more on pens and journals than on clothes
  • You don’t understand why spellcheck doesn’t recognize the word ‘journaling’ as a correctly spelled word.
  • You agree that it’s not an addiction, it’s LOVE!

Don’t Miss the FREE Offer Below!

This is a pretty PDF download full of journal prompts to help you with your inspiration and focus for your journaling effort.

Get your free journal prompt download, and I don’t even ask you for your email address! Yup! It’s THAT free! ==> Click Here <==

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I’m Kim Steadman, a cubicle-nation escapee living my dream life and fulfilling childhood dreams! Sure, there’s been some fear through this journey. And I’ve had to step out in faith, A LOT! But, I am so thankful I did and now wake up each morning excited to face the day! I not only write my own books, but I also mentor other authors. I also do ghost-writing. No, that doesn’t mean I write about ghosts, haha!  It means I write content and for others and let them take the credit.

I’m tickled pink to “meet” you!