More about Kim…

Kim C. Steadman Author

I always dreamed of becoming a writer, but I didn’t have the courage to take the first step. When I was a little girl, I taped my name over the authors of my favorite books. I wrote childish poetry and stories. As a teen I wrote in my diary and worked on school newspapers. As an adult I wrote newsletters, Bible lessons for our church, and detailed quality control manuscripts for the company I worked for. I was pretty good at writing content for others. Looking back, those efforts paved the way for my writing now. But, I didn’t take time to write for myself. So, if I can take a moment to encourage the inner writer in you, please allow me to say. Don’t give up on your dreams. Your hopes and dreams matter. Keep moving forward.

Welcome to my blog, which is a culmination of my family’s rich evangelical history, my desire to share God’s encouragement as the written word and printable sheets, and my commitment to steward my life well to encourage and teach others.

I write inspirational content, children’s picture books and chapter books, planners and journals, and also business content along with coaching writers. With my fingers in that many different genres of Word Weaving, there are many types of readers visiting this blog.

I love the fact that my spiritual heritage comes from an array of faiths and experiences. Between Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal, my religiosity had many influences. My personal (very imperfect) spiritual walk and commitment to Christ came at a young age of 11 in church Bible camp. My parents had accepted Christ earlier that same year on Palm Sunday. My parents stepped into different roles of ministry, and we’ve been ministering ever since.

Canaan Church, Texas

The church I grew up in has since closed. My parents’ health declined. The bell in the tower sits silently. But my heart is full of the memories of the people who crossed the threshold onto the creaky wooden floors and the thinly padded wooden pews. The walls the little country church I grew up hold the melodic memories of the old hymns of the faith such as Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross, and At Calvary. My mom tickled the piano keys, my uncles and others played the guitars, drums, and I played the organ.

The roots of my faith are a part of every aspect of my life…

In 1984, I married the love of my life after a whirl-wind six-month romance. He later stepped into the call of the preaching ministry and together we helped my parents to serve our small congregation. So, yes, I am a preacher’s daughter and am a preacher’s wife. But, please don’t think you’re going to learn from the “perfect Christian.” Far from it. I’ve made oodles of mistakes in life and in my faith-walk. But, thank goodness for HIS forgiveness.

Kim Steadman star wars fan

I write inspirational content, children’s picture books and chapter books, planners and journals, and also business content along with coaching writers. With my fingers in that many different genres of Word Weaving, there are many types of readers visiting this blog.

My prayer is that when you visit me here, you never feel lost or confused. I pray that you find encouragement, joy and your spirit is lifted up whether it be in story, book or post.

Here’s where I am now. When I’m not sweeping dog hair, experimenting in the kitchen, or doodling on paper, I’m writing, creating prayer journals and mentoring other authors. I am a freelance writer, speaker, and Christ-follower in Grand Prairie, TX. Our little acreage on the edge of ‘burbs includes woods, fields, and critters all kinds which I weave into my writings for children or apply spiritual concepts to them in my social media posts or stories.

Don’t forget to join my newsletter for blog updates!

What, you’re still here? Well, let’s chat some more…

Hands down, I was born in the wrong decade. I love things old and nostalgic. I grew up watching Leave It to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show. I giggled with laughter watching The Carol Burnett Show with my parents, back during the days when potty breaks were scheduled around commercials and every one ran because there wasn’t a pause button.

Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, I was the wild-child girl riding her bicycle, the skateboard, playing with her dolls, and running and playing outside. I grew up in the dinosaur age of no digital toys. I created my entertainment with my imagination. I also read books, books and more glorious books!

9 years ago I made the decision to retire from the corporate world to come home and heal my heart, mind, body, and soul. I also started a deeper caregiver journey for my aging parents.

You see, I had become wrapped up in the stresses of climbing the corporate ladder, while dealing with personal health issues (peri-menopause hit me like a ton of bricks) and family health issues (our son tried to take his life). It all took a tole on me and I was at the brink of an anxiety breakdown.

This decision opened the door for me to finally have time to explore some of my long-buried desires.. to write, for myself. I began exploring different avenues of writing such as fiction, children’s books, inspirational, low-content and copywriting. The bottom line is I love words and to give them life on the paper. I also love helping others figure out their “word journey”.

I am a word shepherd.

Over the years I’ve had the blessing to give life to words and help other writers. Things such as:

  • Self-publishing a my first book, a prayer journal.
  • Self-publishing two children’s books which both feature our rescue dog, Denver.
  • Explore creating journals and planners.
  • Creating a class to help writers brainstorm ideas for their children’s book.
  • Forming a free faith-based FB group to encourage writers of all genre
  • Creating a class to help writers define who their ideal reader (or customers) are.
  • Mentoring and encouraging others to write their words and to explore the various paths those words may take them. Some of those writers have gone on to create VA services, become copywriters and editors, make shifts in their careers that honor their true love of writing, write their dream book that’s been in their heart and mind for years, but never written.
  • and more fun ideas are in the near future!

Here are some other things about me…

  • I live in North Central Texas. Any videos you ever hear will be thick in Texas accent and full of Y’all and “bless your heart.”
  • I love nature and my social media feeds will most likely feature images of our Denver who happens to be my writing cohort. Or you’ll see the surrounding nature of our little corner of the Texas prairie.
  • I’m an old-school sci-fi fan. But, I also like the new stuff as well. I like it all… Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Lost in Space, and more. I’m also a fan of dystopian types of stories as well.
  • I love to read the old classic books and stories.
  • I enjoy writing in several genres. I can’t just pin down one genre as my only source of writing adventure.
  • I am a Meme. We have one grandson and he is the little light of my world. My sole purpose is to spoil him, love him, have fun creating memories..

I am an encourager… I love to encourage others. Whether it’s encouraging writers to write, or women who want to grow in their Faith…

I am an idea instigator… I never lack in ideas and since I don’t have time to do them all, I enjoy sharing them with others.

I am a prayer warrior… folks, hands down prayer is what gets me through each day. I’m not perfect, but thank God, I’m forgiven…