Empty Nest Survival Guide – Basic Training

Being a middle aged woman has it’s ups and downs. Sometimes one of those downs is when the kids leave home, some moms (and dads) have a little bit of trouble adjusting. Ok, let’s face, some mom and dads have a lot of trouble adjusting.

Middle aged woman Empty Nest Survival guide
Empty Nest Survival

We were a pretty close nit family. We did everything together. Even when he got into High School, we were all pretty much “into each others business.”

The good thing is that my husband and I were (and still are) very close.

Middle Age Woman – Empty Nest Survival Guide

Here is what I think is a basic Middle Aged Woman’s Empty Nest Survival Guide.


If you lost connection with each other through the years, re-establish it during these Empty Nest years. If you were close through the years, get closer! Go on dates, plan some romantic weekends, plan some little special projects together. You can even make grocery shopping romantic by planning a new exotic menu together.

If you happen to be a single mom, it’s going to be very important that you socialize. Try joining a club or taking some classes. Get yourself around some people.


First, congratulate yourself that you raised your kiddo and they were able to launch off on their own! Kuddos to you mom! Second, take time for YOU. If you are like many moms, you put yourself on the back burner. You may not have treated yourself to something YOU like in a long time beyond the basic pedicure.
Now that the nest is empty you are going to have some extra time on your hands. Is there a hobby you didn’t have time for that you would like to indulge in now? Maybe go back to school and learn a new skill? Maybe take an luxurious vacation? Let your dreams take flight!


I can’t say enough about the healing power of laughter. I’ve always appreciated the fact that our family has a legacy of laughter, happiness, and fun. Even in sad times, we’ve always managed to find a way to weave laughter into the medicine cabinet. Find ways to laugh! Watch funny movies, read funny jokes, reminisce about funny family stories, and make some new funny memories!

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”

I noticed that at different times when I have participated in a  “30-Day Gratitude Challenge” many times happiness and laughter are woven into my gratitude statements. I know it’s because laughter and happiness are food and fuel to my spirit!

Today is the day to ~Love~Live~Laugh !

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The ReFeathered Nest.  This a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to Re-Purpose and Re-Design their lives now that the kids have flown the coop.



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