50 Blogging Vlogging and Facebook Live Video Ideas

Over 50 Blogging-Vlogging-Facebook Live Ideas

How would having 50 Blogging and Vlogging ideas at your fingertips help your content creation?

50 Blogging Vlogging and Facebook Live Video Ideas

I while back I accepted a 60-day challenge to do videos. The scary part was I felt as though I had nothing to talk about (even though my husband would disagree based on my chattiness at the end of the day.)

One of the things I enjoy doing is blogging through the written word.  That’s why I like this website and others I’ve created through the years.  I love writing WORDS.  Maybe that’s why I always wanted to be an author.  I used to consider my blog as an “online journal.”  But, unlike a personal journal where I write my innermost thoughts and feelings that I don’t want anyone to see, the online website is my window to the world.

However, I did tend to shy away from video, social media videos like Facebook Live and photos which are even a more personal window.  Heck, video and photos allow you to see my all gray hair, my saggy jowls, my laugh lines and my 50-year-old ‘teenage chin’ that breaks out it pimples like I’m an adolescent. Thinking back, I realize most of my fear and frustration was linked to ‘writer’s block’ or ‘content-creator’s block.’  The best way to solve that problem is to push away from the keyboard and learn to crush writer’s block.  I have a free webinar workshop and if you click the picture, you’ll get all the details about my  Crush Writer’s Block free webinar workshop.

It’s so easy a child can do it..and so can your dog. 😉

crush writer's block, boost creativity, how to bust through writer's block

But, sometimes you have to be willing to step outside the box. A few years ago when I started doing some research and videos, vlogging and YouTube, the statistics were staggering. Guess what? The statistics are still staggering. Throw Facebook Live in the mix, and the statistics are even more astounding.

((The statistics are down below for any of you fact finder, statistical data chasing geeks like me.))

Here’s the serious business. If you want to connect with your potential readers in a more profound and personal way, videos are your ticket. If you want to use your blog as a stepping stone in your creative writing endeavors as an author or blogger, you need to be doing videos.

So, back to the challenge. I knew I needed to plan if I was going to accept this challenge.  I knew I wanted to make my Vlogs short and sweet because I knew y’all could only handle so much Texas accent in one viewing.   I knew I also wanted to have at least some sort of “plan” of what I would say so that I wouldn’t get to rambling.

What to write or vlog when you don’t know what to write or vlog

However, discovering and finding content for blogs and videos can sometimes be a challenge.  Coming up with 60 days worth?  Could it be done? Would I run into a creative road block?

As I started making a list, the list got longer and longer.  Wow! The challenge was attainable!

Below you will find over 50 content ideas that can be used for either written blogs, video blogs (vlog), or Facebook Live to engage your audience.

These ideas will help you cut through some creative fog and get your rolling. Or, as they say in show business “Lights, Camera, Action!”

Would you like this list as a pdf to read later?

Over 50 Topics and Ideas for your Vlog or Blog

So, here it goes!  A super long list of “Creative Joggers” to jog your mind and your mouth!  I bet you can find something to blog about now!

  1. Tell a story about your product. What’s the reason you sell it? Are there stories about it? You could do a series of stories over the course of a few days.
  2. Do you have a NEW product that just hit the market? Let folks know!
  3. Write about a new product you found – something you bought off the shelves and think others may enjoy reading your opinions.
  4. Do a book review
  5. Do a magazine review.
  6. Do a magazine article review.
  7. Do a chapter by chapter book review over several days.
  8. Do you have an idea that just came to you out of the blue that others may benefit from?
  9. A business tip or an idea that you observed.
  10. A ‘life’ tip or an idea that you observed.
  11. A crafting idea or tip that you enjoy watching or doing.
  12. Talk about your favorite Holiday and the who, where, when, what and why it’s so special!
  13. A household maintenance tip.
  14. What are other people talking about in your town? This is a broad topic! Politics, school functions, social functions, the cafe that opened up.
  15. Share what someone has done with your product (fundraisers, gift baskets)
  16. A series of tips and ideas (like this blog)
  17. How-to and mini tutorials about your products and the products you promote
  18. How-to and mini tutorials about your book topic
  19. Did you find a tool, software, resource, or something that was helpful to your business or life? Write about it!
  20. Anything funny? How about nice clean, family oriented jokes!
  21. Ask for family or friends to write a piece that you can feature in your blog.
  22. Sales or promotions for your business. Everyone loves to hear about sales in today’s economy.
  23. Brag/inform about your affiliates. Stories of how those affiliates helped you in your business, or how you discovered those affiliates.
  24. Pet stories!
  25. Kid stories!Do a “Christmas in July” series:

    What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

    What’s your favorite Christmas movie, and why?

    What’s your favorite shape Christmas Cookie?

    What’s your favorite Christmas memory?

    What’s your favorite Christmas Carol?

    What’s your favorite time to shop? Before Christmas sales or After Christmas Sales?

    What’s your favorite Christmas Recipe (if you don’t eat this at Christmas time, you don’t FEEL like it’s Christmas)?

    What is the Christmas Present you personally received that you remember the MOST ?

    What’s your favorite Christmas Cartoon?

    What’s your favorite way to enclose gifts? Wrap or In a Bag?

    What’s your favorite Christmas Color..Red, Green, White, Blue, Gold, Silver?

  26. What’s your favorite Summer time movie (and why)?

  27. What’s your favorite Summer time activity (and why)?

  28. Make sure you have an “About Video” for your
  29. Go through your current website. If you blogged it (wrote it) you can Vlog it (film a quick video)
  30. Do a brain dump of a topic you are passionate about and blog (vlog) about the Who, Why, Where, When, How each day (that’s 5 posts)
  31. Do a weekly “Ask me any question” (YIKES!)
  32. Find a video on YouTube and make a Video response to it
  33. Give your opinion on a hot news topic
  34. Decide on a theme for each day and blog (vlog) on that day’s theme..
  35. Take the “Bizarre Holiday Calendar” and blog (vlog) about each different holiday. http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/
  36. Take your Vlog out to different places and vlog about where you are, why and what you see. Great for helping folks get to know your area, or sharing a vacation with others to help them get to know you.
  37. Frugal business owner, show how you save money.
  38. Frugal mommy, show how you save money.
  39. Frugal “life” person, show you save money.
  40. Adventure seeker, show ideas how you can seek adventure on a budget.
  41. Adventure seeker, show how you can dream a DREAM and do some out of this world adventures.
  42. Love to travel? Share where you like to go, where you are.
  43. Frugal traveler? Share your tips.
  44. Luxury traveler? Share your tips!
  45. Tell a story about why you wrote your book.
  46. Interview someone who read your book
  47. Do a “meet the author” video
  48. Take your readers on the behind the scenes to your creative process
  49. Talk about one of your chapters – the who, where, when, why and how you wrote it.
  50. August is coming and look what’s ahead, so you can Vlog about these topics:
  • Admit You’re Happy Month
  • Family Fun Month

  • National Catfish Month

  • National Eye Exam Month

  • National Golf Month

  • Peach Month

  • Romance Awareness Month

  • Water Quality Month

  • National Picnic Month

Weekly Events:

  • Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week

  • Week 2 National Smile Week

  • Week 3 Friendship Week

  • Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week

How’s that for a list?!  Did it get your creative juices flowing?

If you need to boost your creativity, I have a special treat for you.  I have a free webinar workshop and if you click the picture, you’ll get all the details about my  Crush Writer’s Block free webinar workshop.

It’s so easy a child can do it..and so can your dog. 😉

crush writer's block, boost creativity, how to bust through writer's block

YouTube Statistics for 2016

Over 1 Billion People (Or A Third Of All Internet Users) Are On YouTube

18- To 49-Year-Olds Spent 74% More Time Watching YouTube Videos In 2015

YouTube Live Video Views Have Grown By 80%; Livestreams Increased By 130%

YOUTUBE 2014 Statistics

6 BILLION Hours of video watched per month on YouTube (as of 4/21/14)

100 Hours of video is uploaded to YouTube per MINUTE (as of 4/21/14)

4 BILLION video views are logged PER DAY (as of 1/23/12)

1 BILLION views of video on a Mobile Device are logged per day (as of 10/27/13)

40% of the You Tube traffic is from mobile devices (as of 10/2/13)

80% of the YouTube traffic comes from outside the U.S.(as of 4/21/14)

After reading these recent statistics I decided that I needed to finish conquering some apprehensions about video. I need YouTube and Facebook Live to help me on my author and creative journey!

P.S.  If you are also looking for journal ideas to help you with your personal writing, these topics work great for that as well!  I’ve probably used over half of them at some point in time to just write about in my personal writings!

P.S.S. Are you starting YouTube channel or maybe you’re looking for a checklist of steps to make sure you think through the entire process?  Here’s a blog post from the folks over at DesignWizard that can set you on the right track!   https://www.designwizard.com/blog/video-marketing/how-to-become-a-youtuber?

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is a cubicle nation escapee and the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KimSteadmanAuthor and on Google+ at +Kim.

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