Writing for Personal Effective Change
The other day I was doing some rearranging of bookshelves and found myself exploring a cubby hole filled with some of my old journals. Instantly, the task at hand was derailed. I began…
Over 50 Blogging-Vlogging-Facebook Live Ideas
How would having 50 Blogging and Vlogging ideas at your fingertips help your content creation? I while back I accepted a 60-day challenge to do videos. The scary part was I felt as…
Empty Nest Survival Fears
I hear a lot of moms talk about all the fears they have now that the kids have left home and the nest is empty. Do Empty Nest Fears have you frozen in…
Morning journal pages are like a taco
Forrest Gump said, “Momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gong to get.” I find that home made tacos are the same way. I…
Journal in a Box
I found that writing and keeping journals helped me navigate through some of the hard times I experienced at first. Here is an easy quick way to do a journal for the month…
Journal to Grateful by the Great Oz
At the end of 30 days you will have 150 things that you can read through. I promise you, when you are feeling down you grab that journal and start reviewing your "Grateful…