The First Time

Christmas in the post-War United States
Image via Wikipedia

When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The VERY FIRST TIME?

I’m talking a totally NEW experience. A NEW activity. Really REALLY New!?

I did on Christmas Day! My husband and I find ourselves as empty nesters
and making new traditions. December 25th we were alone – but having FUN!
We decided to go eat a local Chinese restaurant and then later that evening
we went to a Movie.

Now, I realize that some folks do this every Christmas Day. But for US, it
was NEW! The first time to do either event on Christmas Day!

And what was it like? It was…FUN! It was exciting! It made the day entirely

I encourage YOU to take 2010 and make it a NEW Year of NEW all year long!
Even the smallest of things if new for YOU will be important to YOU!

So, this year, maybe instead of Resolutions – make it a year of NEW Experiences!
Make your list tonight! I would love to hear what you decide you NEW will be!

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