Lessons from Lucky or the kids will make it

Rescued raccoon returned to the nest in the tree
Rescued raccoon returned to the nest in the tree

Early this spring we were surprised by a baby raccoon falling out of a tree while we were outside visiting with company. After rescuing him and getting him into a safe spot for the day, the mother returned to him during the night put him back in the nest in the top of the tree. This entire event was something right down my alley as I just love furry critters!!


A month later, we had to get two baby raccoons out of our church (next door to our house). We joked wondering if one of these two rascals was the same one I had rescued earlier. Since mother raccoons do move their young ones several times during their nesting months, it would have been the right amount of time. Anyway, we put them in a cage and fixed it so that the mother could get the young ones that night. Which she did.


We did not know that she had some consumed some rat poison in the church and she died 4 days later. We thought the young ones would have the same fate….


They lived. They also now were a little stranded. It was some turns of events that found me learning about what type of nourishment to make available to them to help them hopefully make it. With the help of my dad, we built a box in the tree to provide some shelter. Since we live out in the country and we don’t have a problem with having critters around!


Months passed and one grew to be a quite healthy. There was one particular young raccoon that would come down from the trees when I made a special calling noise. He knew where is occasional treat would come from!
Below is a picture of the one I call Lucky (he still comes to visit every once in a while).

Lucky the Raccoon
Lucky the Raccoon

This raccoon was a reminder to me that if one of God’s creatures could make it, grow up against odds and make it then I could rest with assurance that our son would make it on his own. He of course is married now, and we count down the days for our first grand-son to be born.


Even though he has been on his own a few years, a mom is always a mom and worries a little. I won’t kid you. I think that is just part of the natural course of parenthood. Yes we release…but we still worry.

As an empty nest mom you are probably struggling with the thought that your kids will make it on their own. The key is to not let the worry consume you or that will just cause you undue stress!

I just want to encourage you to know:

You raised your kids.
You taught them lessons.
You taught them character.
You helped them learn life skills.
You have prepared them to some day be on their own
……..and now the time has come to let your little fledglings spread their wings and live.

As part of your Empty Nest Survivor strategy , let your fledglings fly….

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  • cheryl

    Great post. I am not an empty nester yet but I do have 3 teenagers and would like some quiet time.

  • Amy

    Ouch. This cut a little close to home, since my oldest daughter just moved to college. Some very good thoughts. Thank you!

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