Empty Nest Help-What Do You See?

Clinton or Woman what do you see image

Have you ever heard the saying “well, it just depends on how you see it.”

Or maybe someone has said to you “OK, that is your opinion.”

Empty Nest Survival Is A Matter of Perspective

Those and other statements can just be lumped into the thought process of “it’s all a matter of your perspective.”

For instance, what do you see in that image above? You can see one of 2 things.

You either see a woman. Or you see an image of a man with a big nose playing a saxophone. It’s just a matter of your perspective.

We had an instance recently with our lawn furniture and “perspective”. You see, for years we have had my favorite glider swing facing a certain way. Even after putting in a new patio, I was going to arrange the furniture the old way.

But, my husband had the idea of moving the swing and rotating it. Wow, I had never even thought of that (and this is the woman that rearranges furniture, cabinets and drawers – A LOT).

We did and to our surprise when we turned it a different way it opened up a whole new viewing world. There is wildlife activity going on at the back of us that we didn’t know about (LOTS of bunnies!). And my husband discovered that there was a lot of airplane flight activity that he had been missing because he never looked that direction.

Guess what…MY favorite glider swing has now turned into HIS new favorite plane watching spot!

We would have never discovered this had we decided to not look at things from a new perspective.

Empty Nest Survival Hints

I have 2 big hints for you to survive your empty nest transition.

Change Your Perspective
In your empty nest journey, I encourage you to look at this new transition with a new perspective. If you have been dreading it, think of something POSITIVE =)

Remember, the key to your personal empty nest survival is your perspective!

Practice the Attitude of Gratitude (even when it seems hard to do)
Another key to my survival was concentrating on gratitude during the big transition moment. I’ve created a little plan that helped me and maybe you can find some help as well. ==>Click Here to visit The 21 Day Gratitude Game==<

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is also the creator of the cute Flip Flop In The Mail greeting ‘card’. Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim

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