Describe your perfect flip flop day

A flip flop kind of day

This picture about says it all!

Now that your nest is empty you have a chance to do somethings you may not have had time to do. You have an opportunity to expand your horizons…..

So…with this new found time on your hands since your kids have moved out you may feel a little out of sorts….

You may feel like, well, you are going nuts!

Take a minute, calm down…and think about some FUN you can put into your day!

Start right now by making a list of things you think you may want to try or do. I encourage you to put about 25 things down at first. Things you haven’t had time to do, but want to scoot back into your life.

What were some old hobbies you enjoyed? What are some new hobbies you’ve thought about learning? What’s something you have been “planning to do” once you found time?

I remember one of the things I wanted to do was Zumba. But mercy me, I was NOT going to do it in public at the gym. So, once our son moved out, and I could get my husband out of the house, I put on the Zumba DVD. So…ya..that’s a story for another time.

Remember, THIS is the free time you have been waiting for!

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to Re-Purpose and Re-Design their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Twitter at @kimsteadman1 and on Google+ at +Kim.


  • NishaJackson

    wow! Some great suggestions to consider. Better start now, I will soon be in the situation.

  • Kim

    =) Hi Nisha! Oh yes, the best prevention is thinking ahead! That way it doesn’t sneak up and surprise you! It’s never too early to start planning those flip-flop days!

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