Organize Your Way to Success Part 1 – Calendar


The mention of the word can be exhausting.

But, for the busy woman entrepreneur, organization is going to be the key to your survival.
It will be the key to your success. It is a #1 business building tip.

I used to stay organized with memory and a few little sticky notes.
I then graduated to less memory, and more sticky notes. But soon, my desk began to look like a parakeet that would take flight and fly away because of all the yellow sticky notes on it.

One year ago, I began to heavily use paper calendars. But, I had one for home, one for work, one for business…I was on calendar over load.

I highly suggest doing two things:
1. Start using a calendar if you aren’t already.
2. Combine all your life into one calendar.
3. (This is a bonus). If you haven’t converted away from paper consider it. I have merged all my calendars to a Gmail online calendar. I have work, personal and online business actions all on one calendar.

This one action has done wonders to help me feel more organized and in control. I no longer have to flip between calendars, and the google “alarms” are great at helping me to not forget the important stuff.

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