Morning journal pages are like a taco

Forrest Gump said, “Momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gong to get.”
I find that home made tacos are the same way. I can have all the ingredients arranged on the counter for “Taco” night. How is it that all the same ingredients can be merged together and each taco taste different? Of course, it’s not a bad thing, it makes that next trip even more of an exciting journey of the taste buds to see what the next one’s going to taste like.
I have found that morning journal pages are the same way. If you have never enjoyed morning journal pages let me share them with you.
These are pages written when you first wake up in the morning – like in the first 5 minutes before you even get dressed for the day. Maybe you have time to grab a quick cup of coffee, but that’s about it.
You sit down in your comfy spot, grab your notebook or journal, and start writing. Simply write what comes off the top of your head. Keep the pen flowing. Don’t stop, don’t reread, don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Just write.
You see, it’s the same elements every morning. Blank pages, pen, comfy place. But the results vary.
The first thing you may notice is that by midday, you don’t even remember what you wrote. To add more secret sauce – don’t reread any of those pages until at least 30 days have passed by. But, when you do go back to those pages, you can look at your words and evaluate aspects of your life.
- Do you find a common topic you wrote about?
- Is it something positive, or something negative that you may need to “fix?”
- Are there some common thoughts that may could point you in a new direction.
Recently, in my morning pages I discovered some content that I could write more in depth about for empty nest moms.
I would like to encourage you to try morning journal pages if you never have. I’ll admit, the first time I heard about them I thought they were a bunch of hooey =) BUT, I’m a firm believe in them now.
You can sign up below to try a sample with a few journal prompter “thoughts” in case you have never written in journals before!
Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to Re-Purpose and Re-Design their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Twitter at @kimsteadman1 and on Google+ at +Kim.