National Encourage a Young Writer Day
National Encourage a Young Writer Day is observed each year on April 10th. While we may not know who originated the day, we can still have fun celebrating and supporting the young writers in our lives. How can you help? First, you need to think about the young people in your life.
Do you know a young writer?
Do you know a young person who reads a lot of books, has a creative imagination or likes to tell stories? Those are all signs of a budding, young writer.
National Encourage a Young Writer Day would be a good time for you to talk to them about their ideas and dreams. You can encourage them to pursue their writing goals and help them develop their writing skills.
Ideas how you can observe National Encourage a Young Writer Day:
Give Them a Journal:
A journal is a place for your writer to write their inner most thoughts or the new story in their mind waiting to make it to paper. Anything from poems, to essays, short stories or story ideas may find their way into their journal. Anything goes into the journal with no judgement on grammar or anything else. It’s a place to let their imagination fly. Hint Adults: Respect their privacy. Let them know the journal is off limits to adults unless you are invited to peek inside.
Offer Writing Prompts:
Sometimes a writer needs a little prompt to spark the imagination and to start the creative juices. There are prompts all around us, but it does help to have a handy writing prompt book.
A couple of suggestions I have for you are:
1200 Creative Writing Prompts by Melissa Donovan
1000 Awesome Writing Prompts by Ryan Andrew Kinder
Writers are readers
Encourage Your Writers to Read: The more they read, the more they can write. Steven Spielberg said it best, “Only a generation of readers will spawn a generation of writers.”
Help your young writer create a young writer’s group with their friends. Together they can write, swap ideas and help to encourage each other.
Encourage your young writer today and tag them with
#EncourageAYoungWriterDay to post on social media.
Celebrate the power and beauty of the written word!
Kim Steadman is a wife, mother and proud Meme. She retired from corporate life to bring her heart, mind, body and soul home and to start her creative writing journey. Her writing works include “The Creative Prayer Journal” and “The Diary of a Recycled Dog.” She loves to help budding authors discover their writing gifts.
Quote source: Goodreads, Image source: Unsplash
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