Listen for the Mulberry Trees

Yesterday’s patriotic sermon was about King David of the Old Testament.
The scriptures were about his battle against the Philistines – a constant source of aggravation for the children of Israel.

Usually battle is from the front – a head long charge into the enemy camp.
In fact, the previous battle had been won with this tactic.

But in this particular passage, 2 Samuel 5:17-25 God told David to sneak around behind the enemy and hide in the forest of trees. And Wait. Wait until you hear the sounds of marching in the top of the trees. Then David would know that God had gone ahead of him in the battle and Philistines would be defeated.

We all have the attitude and some times that we know the best way to handle a situation. That we need to take matters in our own hands and charge head first into the battle to do it our way. And how many times does “our way” just lead to more confusion or trouble?

Next time, think about the other “David Tactic”. Step back and wait. Wait for a clear direction…
Wait for the marching in the tree tops.

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