Facing fear head on

I’m facing my fear of making videos head on!

I am taking part in a 6 week Branded video challenge and below is my 3rd video.

Yes, I know the lighting is bad. I know it’s not perfect. But, hey! Perfect can come later!

This challenge I’m participating in was first issued to just one person in the group. But soon, others of us knew and realized that we needed to conquer “video” as well in order be well rounded Marketers with our websites and businesses.

When it’s time to conquer fears, you first have to firmly identify the fear and then create the action plan. We were very fortunate in that our Mentor outlined our action plan for us. Of course, she is adding and tweaking other little changes along the way, such as making sure we do enhance our skill along the way. And also challenging us to post these videos in our blog, and not just on the Facebook group page.

So, looks like y’all will be seeing more of me as I work on this challenge!

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