Empty Nest Travels – San Francisco CA

I decided I would share some pictures of our empty nest travels we have had the joy and blessing to take during the past few years. One of our plans to Re-feather our nest when our son moved out was to travel.

Yes, travel was on our plan and roadmap when our son left the coop. Even though we were pushing all our funds towards college tuition so we could come out at the end with no debt (which thank God, we did!) we put aside fund to enjoy trips together.

An empty nest inspiration in San Francisco Bay, CA.

Our most recent trip was to San Fransisco, CA. I had many things on my bucket list of HAVE to do including all the tourist things:

  • The Golden Gate Bridge
  • Pier 39 shopping
  • Ride trollies and street cars
  • Tour the city
  • Explore the streets and sites
  • Alcatraz
  • Eat authentic clam chowder (yes, food was one of my tourist attractions)

I’ve always loved sunsets. To me they are the daily visual reminder that I have successfully maneuvered through a day and have a new one on the horizon!

Of all the hundreds of pictures I took this picture of a sea gull is one of my favorites. It not only embodies the visual picture, but reflecting on it brings back wonderful emotions of what was one of our most stellar vacations.

I was with the love of my life in one of my dream vacation spots. The moment couldn’t have been any more perfect. We took the vacation in mid August and it was though it was a perfect gift from God.

Looking back now, I realize it was a gift.

One month later my mom would have her first stroke and I know that God had given us such a restful vacation because he knew it would be a few months before we would take another.

As I reflect over the past few years I am so glad that hubby and I had our plan and had talked about “what we are going to do when our son moves out”. We were able to hit the ground running once he moved out and as we look back over all our travel pictures over the past five years it looks like our tennis shoes did some running too!

I encourage you to start making plans about your empty nest. I promise it will help you to tackle the new transition of life you are going through!

Remember, “a map not drawn is a treasure not found!”

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  • Linda Bartosik

    Loved the photo and your description of how it made you feel. My hubby and I did the same thing when our girls were gone. We are lucky to be married to our best friends! Great blog!

  • Tina Kyei

    It is about time to plan for my empty nest. Thank you for reminding me.

  • Kim

    Howdy Linda! I’m so glad to meet another empty nester! Thanks for stopping by the nest!

  • Kim

    Howdy Tina! Yes, plan! It will help you get through the transition! Thanks for stopping by the nest!

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