Empty Nest Dreams Lead to Wonderland Odyssey Part 2

Wonderland OdysseyA while back I had the fortunate blessing to meet an Empty Nest Kindred Spirit on LinkedIn. Her response to a question I had asked on a group page let me know I needed to know a little bit more about her! She’s the epitome of the empty nest mindset I like which is to learn and grow after the kids fly the coop.

Today, I would like to introduce you to Rebecca Lacey and Part 2 of my interview with her. She is the creative mind behind Wonderland Odyssey. Wonderland Odyssey is a ‘leadership fable.’ It’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ meets Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People.’ While it hasn’t been published yet, she still would like for you to stop by and read excerpts and say hi.

Here’s the continuation of our interview and I hope you enjoy!

The Empty Nest Transition

What was that first month like? Did you ever consider yourself as having “empty nest syndrome?” What we were some of the emotions you experienced when you realized your child had really left home and the nest was empty? Did you cry a lot? Did you laugh a lot? Did you run through the house jumping for joy?

I never thought about having empty-nest syndrome. Perhaps this is because Ashley wasn’t always there anyway. When it came time for her to leave, I was excited for her because she had so many doors opening for her. At the same time, I was acutely aware that she might make choices for her future that were not based on the right criteria (ie money vs passion). I think that was my trepidation because in some respects, that is what I did when I was her age. More about that later.
I knew that she was equipped to deal with life and would make her own choices. So, I needed to do the same thing. It was time to find a place that appealed to us and to step out in faith. When my husband and I moved to MO, we were suddenly more than a thousand miles from the two kids (by that time his son had married and had a baby). Yet I felt closer to my daughter in many ways. For one thing, we were each proud of the other for taking chances in pursuit of our dreams

Did you experience a big “AHA” moment and realize that you had some new found freedom? Or was it gradual? Or had you planned for your empty nest all along?

It was a goal to make a move. The stars all needed to align to make it happen. My daughter leaving home was one of the stars.

What would you consider was your first “Freedom” moment in your empty nest? Something you did that you KNOW you wouldn’t have done if the kids were still at home?

Skinny dipping!!! But you know the thing about kids is that they always think that mom and dad lead boring lives, and there is certainly no need to knock! Thus, the sign that was put on the door which read, “Warning! Skinny dipping in progress.” That made it into my book, “Reinventing Holly.”

Join me tomorrow as we finish up Rebecca’s interview!

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to RePurpose and ReDesign their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim.

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