Daily Gratitude Journal Favorites

I LOVE keeping a gratitude journal.  I’ve kept one for years and depending on my mood, I keep different sorts of gratitude journals. Gratitude has been proven to be a key to happiness!

I’ve found a few jewels that I like and I want to share them with you!

gratitude a key to a happy life

Please note, these pictures do link to my Amazon Affiliate account and should you decide to purchase I would receive a small (very small) monetary gain from your purchase.  OK!  Legal stuff out of the way, let’s go shopping!!

Favorite Gratitude Journals

Gratitude Journal
First, this product drew me in by it’s simple colors and graphics – easy on the eyes. It’s a gratitude diary and there is a page for each day’s entry. Plenty of room to write in detail your gratitude thought for the day!

Gratitude Journal
This gratitude journal is another diary but the space to write is each day’s entry is smaller. This is a great one if you haven’t done journaling before and are a little unsure about how much you can write about – no pressure to fill up a page!

Gratitude Journal
This little cutie is more of a reflection diary. You don’t have to particularly write something every day. What I love about this one is that it allows room for doodling! The author describes it as “an interactive book for HAPPINESS!” Inside you’ll find places to record gratitude, doodling prompts, coloring pages, and more! It’s something to do when you put your phone down.

Gratitude Journal

I LOVE the idea about surrounding this diary because it makes you expand your mind and it’s based on the popular blog series by Moorea Seal, this gorgeous journal is for list lovers. “Create 52 lists, one for every week of the year, that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have! TThis beautiful undated journal of weekly lists will help nurture self-expression and self-development. Each seasonal section includes list prompts, with plenty of space to write your own lists, and challenges to help you take action and make your dreams a reality. With perfectly timed prompts that meet you where you are throughout the different seasons, this journal will open up new avenues of self-knowledge and help you celebrate, enjoy, and take ownership of your life, as each week of the year becomes more thoughtful and vibrant.” P.S. THIS ONE is IN MY SHOPPING CART!

I truly hope you make gratitude a part of your daily life and routine. I promise you won’t regret it!

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book ““My Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim


  • Kandas a.k.a. Gratitude Geek

    Thanks for this great compilation of gratitude journals! I am the Gratitude Geek and think appreciation for what we already have is so very important. It allows more of the good stuff into our lives. I tend not to keep a journal, rather I show the people in my life how much I appreciate them by sending them a real paper greeting card. I know, old school. I usually include their photo on the front of the card. Makes a huge impact. I usually create the card on my phone. Yes, there is app for greeting cards!

  • Amy Bovaird

    I’ve always made my own but I do love the idea of a gratitude journal, and one that is set up sounds pretty cool. Thanks for sharing these different types!

  • kimsteadman

    Hiya GG (Gratitude Geek)! I too have sent cards to express gratitude and have seen a couple of apps. Gratitude is now high tech, lol! But I agree, I like old school. Thanks for visiting!

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Amy! I usually make my own in some form or fashion. But this year, I decided to gift myself a pre-printed one. There are SO MANY DIFFERENT types!!! Thanks for visiting!

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Leslie! I love them too! Thanks for stopping in for a visit!! =)

  • Ruth Bowers

    I love gratitude journals. The first thing I do every morning is write in mine. I’ve never bought a pre-made one before, but there’s a couple on this list that caught my eye.

  • Kyashilah

    I love the 52 week one, a collection in thoughts on a weekly basis… Hmm

    Pure genius!

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Ruth! My motto is “An attitude of Gratitude increased your altitude!. I usually make my own too, but wanted to try to spice things up a bit this year =) Thanks for stopping by!

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Kyashilah! I KNOW, right! I’ve never thought about just recording thoughts on a weekly basis…It was an interesting twist! Thanks for stopping in to visit!

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