Once upon a time

A picture by Gustave Doré of Mother Goose read...
Image via Wikipedia

I loved those words as a little girl.

It meant a good story about  a princess and a prince and the wonderful words at the end “and they lived happily ever after.”

I continued my love for reading and expanded from the “princess” fairy tales, to the fantasy books about the battle of good vs. evil.  “The Hobbit” by Tolkein was one of my first followed by books by C.S. Lewis.

Even today I’m easily inspired by a good fictional, fantasy book about the power and battle of good and evil.

My website is all about the battle against good and evil.

I know you’ve seen the websites out there.  The ones with flashy, glitzy flashing ads that look like a drive down the strip in Vegas.  And while you sit staring at the website through your sunglasses you think to yourself , “What is this website really about?  Where is the real content?”

And then you find websites full of good content.  Whether it be online business building tips with Natasha or health tips with Helen.  You visit their site, and you KNOW what the website is about with the immediate content on the front page.  And you have a glimps into what the person is about before reading their “about me” page.

My goal is to be the good story on the internet.  “Once upon a time there was a lady in Texas that gave encouraging nuggets that helped others.” Or the nudge they needed to begin tilting the world into their favor.  Maybe it was the final push to get an online website going.  Or the encouragement to reach just a little further for a dream.  Or the enlightenment to face and think about dreaming in the first place.

And when the final chapter is written…”and they lived happily every after.”

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  • Kelly Baader

    Hey Kim,
    Great post and clean modern look of your blog.
    Yes, I am with you about reflecting the blogger/author’s personality in their blog…down to earth is good, “fancy” is good, too if the message is communicated well to their audience. Since I am living in Vegas, I surly know what you are talking about..:)

    Thank you for sharing!

  • Kim

    =) Thank you so much Kelly! Sometimes it takes some tweaking and exploring to find “your voice”. But the journey is fun and worth it!

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