Move Through The Obstacles – MOO

There are many obstacles that stand in our way of moving forward. And yes, we are faced with them every day. But we have to make a decision.

Do we?

Don’t we?

Moving through obstacles come down to two things.

You are not ready.
You may have reached an obstacle and you just aren’t ready to move forward. Maybe the timing is right and maybe you just don’t “FEEL” it. Maybe you don’t have the knowledge. None the less, you can’t move forward. You don’t know how.

You don’t want to.
That is the hardest thing to really admit to yourself. It isn’t that you can’t. You just don’t want it. Or, you don’t want it bad enough.

Many times in the business sales world they say that if your “WHY” is large enough THEN you will do the necessary action steps.

I am inclined to believe that. When your WHY is truly turns into a big, hairy, and audaciously huge goal – you THEN will take action.

I know I did.

You see, my world rocked a couple of weeks ago. My mom had a stroke. Spending days in the hospital helped me to realize that my husband and I needed to rethink our financial goals. You see, mom has recovered amazingly fast. She isn’t 100% yet and we do have a road to healing to go down. BUT, had things not gone so well, I had not done my due diligence to have things ready.

Things like a firm back up income plan.

We have been given a second chance to get ready for the next stages of our life.

And I am on a mission. My WHY became huge. Compound that with the fact that our first grand child is on the way! This MeeMee in the making is going to need extra vacation days for some grand-baby spoiling!

I am on my journey to remove obstacles. I am going to have to learn some new things.

But the only way to move over obstacles(MOO) is to DO IT.

Fear is not an option.

I must be diligent & determined.


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