Preserve Your Emotional Energy

Is your emotional energy running on empty?

Have you ever felt tired, in a rut, your mind won’t seem to get into gear. The creative juices just aren’t flowing. You are tired of the same old day. The same old routine. You are everything but the energizer bunny. You are zapped. Your energy is gone.

Jesus CEO what are your daily emotional energy leaks

More than likely, that energy did not instantly disappear. It may have happened over time.

What are emotional energy leaks?

Are you tuned in enough to yourself to feel your energy leaks?

I am reading a book called “Jesus, CEO” by Laurie Beth Jones. She looks at the life of Jesus and his leadership and analyzes his actions as if he was a CEO of a company (quite a different outlook from other Leadership training). One of the chapters is “He Guarded His Energy”.

Jesus CEO Preserve Emotional Energy Leaks

She explains that Jesus had a lot of energy and he knew how to direct it. He was very clear on his mission, and he knew how to guard and avoid “energy leaks”.

Even though he was a teacher:

  • He refused to be trapped into meaningless debates with people who only wanted to argue rather than learn.
  • He didn’t beg or manipulate people into following his teaching.
  • He trained his disciples to “shake the dust off their feet” when they met people who were resistant to the teachings.

Jesus was so tuned into his physical, emotional and mental energy  that when touched by someone when he was in a crowd – he felt some of his healing energy leave. And think about this – even at his trial, Jesus didn’t waste His precious energy on what he knew would be a meaningless defense and debate.

Do you have emotional energy leaks?

So, back to my original question. Are you tuned in enough to yourself to recognize energy leaks in your life?

Negative words from others? Angry words? Distractions? Being a busy-body in other people’s business?

To be a leader requires a great amount of energy. Maybe it’s why so many people turn to energy boosts such as drugs and alcohol and energy drinks.

From the biblical perspective, many of the leaders and prophets were shepherds. A group of people that had plenty of time to rest and listen.

A favorite quote from this chapter is “if there is no snow on the mountains, there will be a drought in the valley”.

Remember, Jesus guarded his energy, and we should to.

What daily energy leaks keep you from living a focused life?
How do you plan to replenish your energy?

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for women who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book “My Fill in the Blank Prayer Guide -When Your Head and Heart Can’t Get on the Same Page’ Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim

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