Living my One Word – SIMPLE – Mr. Lid

This year I’m going to try to chronicle the successes of my One Word Theme Word for the year. My word this year is SIMPLE.
When I was asked why I chose the word, I replied for a host of reasons – Personal, Business, Spiritual are just some of the ways.

So, this week’s post will be very personal on a topic that I don’t talk about – ever. It’s all about my KITCHEN.

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy using reusable containers to store food items and other storage needs.

But there is one thing that drives me absolutely INSANE, CRAZY and LOONY. It’s trying to match the right lid to the correct container. I’m so excited to have found a solution! No more mish-mashed lids, or numbering containers and lids to make matching easier.


The Mr. Lid Container System – Making My Life Simple

Mr. Lid Container System - Making My Life Simple

I first found out about these when my husband brought a sample of hot sauce from work. The lady that gave to him had it in a cute little container. But what I was more thrilled about (and yes the hot sauce was delicious) was that the lid was ATTACHED to the container! I’m not joking! What a genius the person was that thought of it! MAN, why couldn’t I have thought of it!?

Ever since that day (it was around mid November) I’ve been looking and looking for them. She told us what store she purchased them at and we ran over there. But, there weren’t anymore. I sort of resolved myself that they may have been a one hit wonder. Believer it or not, it was the first time I didn’t try to Google to find the answer.

Well, surprise when hubby got back to work after Christmas vacation and she had given us a set!! AND, then I look on Amazon and low and behold, they have them too!

Maybe I’m easy to please, but I was so excited to take out the pile of scattered containers to streamline AND simplify my life in the kitchen!

Some of the highlights of these units are:

  • They are leak proof (I tested it and turned it upside – no leaks)
  • Microwave safe (I never cook with plastic in the microwave, so I don’t have personal knowledge about this one)
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Freezer safe
  • Nest easily within each other with the lids closed
  • Attached permanently – no chance of losing the lids

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about the transformation an area of my cupboards had this morning when I did away with all the other old ones, and now have this simple stack. Wow, so much more room now!

Mr. Lid Container System - Making My Life Simple




Mr. Lid Container System - Making My Life Simple





Mr. Lid 10 Piece Attached Lid Plastic Container Set As Seen On T.V.

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book ““My Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim

“Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be here for you and bring you content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to continue to ReFeather my nest and encourage other women to do so as well! Thank you! :)”


  • Kim St.Andre

    I am so with you on the lid thing! It’s the one cupboard in the kitchen that just can’t seem to stay organized.
    It’s the simple things that bring us Joy (My Word of the Year) I am putting these on my shopping list!
    Thank you for the review!

  • kimsteadman

    Here’s to a new you, a new year, and organization in our cupboards!! A happy woman is a woman that isn’t scrounging for container lids, ha ha ha!!

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