Live Free of If Only

Besides my Bible, I read 10 pages from a good book every day. I’m currently reading (on my Kindle App) “Live Free”. by Kendra Smiley. Today’s lesson – Don’t let the “if onlys” freeze you in your life. Don’t have the “If Only” Syndrome which controls your actions and decisions based on the PAST. Move forward, look forward.

We have been talking about “IF ONLY” and “WHAT IF” a lot in our family since my mom’s stroke 29 days ago. WHAT IF she had been at home alone, WHAT IF” she had been on the road driving. “IF ONLY” she hadn’t fallen and broken her face =) . BUT, we as a family are having to not dwell on those IF’s and move forward, each day, little by little. “IF ONLY” she wasn’t having stamina issues, “IF ONLY” she wasn’t still healing from the facial surgery…..

Listen people…IF ONLY can WEAR you out. It can wear on your emotions, your health, your mental strength. Put IF ONLY where it belongs…behind you! (I’m talking with one finger pointed AT you, and 3 coming back to me) Live in Gratitude.

I leave you with this “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is AHEAD, I PRESS ON”. Philippians 3:13-14

~~God is in charge. Every disappointment is HIS appointment, Kay Arthur ~~

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