How to show up to yourself

I just love Cindy’s insight! And I’m going to work on saying
YES to myself a lot more often!

Sometimes when our plates are very full with projects, deadlines, obligations and expectations, our subconscious mind plays tricks on us. And, it can happen particularly when you’re asking yourself to stretch. In other words, when you’re asking your brain to operate on all cylinders, the chatter to stop yourself can get really loud!


One Comment

  • Cindy Yantis

    Hi Kim,

    Thank you for your kind comment and for reprinting a portion of my article!! I’m so glad you gleaned some value from the message. It’s funny, most of the time I write about things I’m learning for myself, or about things I need to learn. So, we’re all on this journey together!

    Congratulations on saying YES to yourself…


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