How big is your box of crayons?

When I was a kid one of my big thrills each school year was the fun of going shopping for school supplies. One of the supplies in elementary school was a box of crayons.

Now, while I was excited to get a new box of crayons and I was really excited when they came out with those BIG boxes of crayons. A bigger box meant more colors and now I could have a sun with different colors of yellows and orange.

As and adult, I look at my purpose and dreams as a box of crayons. I prefer to have a big box of dreams now.

During my empty nest journey I discovered one of my passions and purpose was to fulfill a dream of my youth, to become an author.

I’m in a Video Challenge and as a bonus video I am sharing one of MY dreams! One of my dreams is to create a children’s book. I started on the journey last Summer and created this video at the time as sort of a statement of my Vision for my Dream.

Dream BIG friends!!


Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to Re-Purpose and Re-Design their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Twitter at @kimsteadman1 and on Google+ at +Kim.

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