7 Easy Steps to Having a Great Day

Great days rarely happen just by accident. They usually require a little preplanning and work if you want to make them worth remembering.

Just as the path to a healthier body is pretty simple (no it’s not easy), having a great day can be pretty simple, too. Do you know what you need to have a great day? Have you ever even considered the question?

If your life seems a little too rushed, complicated, and unfulfilling, a simple routine might be all you need to get yourself out of the rut and onto the path to having a better day mindset.

7 Steps to Having a Great Day

1. Stretch a little before getting out of bed. Our little dog, every morning right after I lift him down to the floor , does what I call his “Doggy Yoga”.  Our cat does her kitty stretches when awakening from a sleep or a nap.  Try doing the same. Your body is likely cold and stiff first thing in the morning. Take two minutes to get your body started.

* A fair number of injuries occur shortly after awakening, so take it slowly.

2. Drink a large glass of water. Even though you didn’t do anything last night besides sleep, your body is constantly losing water through your skin and breath. Water is also used in many processes, such as digestion. So you’re dehydrated when your first wake up. You’ll feel better and more alert after a tall, cool, morning beverage of water.

3. Read or listen to something inspiring. Besides my daily Bible reading and devotional read, I read 30 minutes from a good book (not a love story or recipe book!) Motivation and inspiration are two important parts of any great day. Whatever it is that works for you, take a few minutes and get yourself motivated for the day.

* I keep adding to my list in my bookstore of books that I’ve read that have inspired or helped me in some way.

4. Choose one task to complete today. It’s common to have a list of items to accomplish each day. Or if you are a tad forgetful, you may have multiple list of things to-do. The challenge with a long list is that some items invariably won’t be completed, which often results in frustration.

* Choose one super important task to complete, and then check it off your to-do list! You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.
* Another great hint is having your list of Daily Mini-Success that you can choose from. Doing just ONE helps you feel like you accomplished something.

5. Remind yourself of the things that fill you with gratitude. Your family, home, and good health could all be reasons to be thankful. Most of us spend too much time annoyed by the things we don’t have, rather than what we do have. The vast majority of the world’s population likely has less than you. Cheer up!

*A friend of ours inspired us to pray this simple prayer every morning. “Lord, I thank you for the unexpected blessing you are going to bring my way today.” You’ll be surprise the things that you will find in your day that truly are a blessing and fill you with gratitude.

6. Assess your attitude and make adjustments. Are you worried about the future? Focus on the present moment instead. Are you angry at your co-worker? Forgive them or come up with a solution to resolve the issue. Is your spouse getting on your nerves and it’s really just a small irritant? Remember, you aren’t perfect either! =)

* Forgiveness has been shown to be good for your blood pressure and consequently, your heart health.

7. Spend time with someone you love. It could be a spouse, partner, family member, or friend. There’s a reason you love them, so spend some quality time together. Quality time probably doesn’t mean watching the news together. Find an activity that requires interaction.

Take responsibility for creating a great day for yourself. Think about additional things you can do each day to make it better. Perhaps taking a walk during your lunch break or keeping a journal will make your life more enjoyable.

Ask yourself what it would take to make your life better. With a few simple steps, you can greatly increase the odds of having an awesome day.

Praying for you that your best day ever will be today!

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book ““My Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRefeatheredNest and on Google+ at +Kim

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