When you want to quit
There have been days I’ve been ready to throw in the towel. I tell ya, having slow, low or no internet can really mess with an indie-publisher’s life. Compound with a file crash last Thursday morning that pretty much took me all the way back to square one. I mean, Thursday and Friday I didn’t even get on the computer except for about 10 minutes of Facebook time in my writing group. I was so mad at technology, lol.
But, one thing about redoing, redoing, and redoing is eventually I WILL get it to the point it’s the BOOK God wants it to be!
This book is coming..I don’t know when. I should have already had it submitted and awaiting a first print proof copy. But, I can’t live in should-ville because that’s a messy place to take up camp.
Instead, I proceed onward. And today, I really started feeling this Devotional book come together. Pieces of it that I’ve struggled with..well, let’s just say no more struggle. I’m just imperfectly DOING it.
The link is the book trailer I made last Wednesday. I struggled with NOT putting a date for “coming soon, coming “date”, etc…” But, I decided then I didn’t know exactly when. Then that file crash happened and NOW I can see the wisdom in my hesitancy to commit to an exact date. HAD I done that, I would be in stressed panic-mode right now.
So, to the one who’s frustrated. Things aren’t going as planned…remember this little nugget.
Contrary to popular belief, God is not a God of easy open doors. Many times as Christians (fingers pointing back at me) we pray and ask for God to open a door, and then we plop down and wait.
We rob ourselves of the blessing because we wait for the open door. I think God expects to start walking, start doing, and do it again, and again, and again…and he WILL make a way…. the walls may tumble down, the roof may open, and the whale’s mouth may vomit ya up….But, God makes a way..and many times that’s by the sweat of our brow…or the pounding of the keyboard. =)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNIVCmY0KjQ[/embedyt]

Beth Jones
Kim, This past week I had LOTS of techie issues. So did a new client of mine, who is definitely NOT used to such things as she’s just getting started with writing and publishing her books. It was stressful for both of us. I knew that (at least part of it) was the enemy trying to stop us both. I also lost a file DESPITE backing it up! Those things do happen, like your crash. My client and I kept pressing through in faith, taking one step and one day at a time. Finally by Friday evening, I told her that we both needed to rest and relax–and to just go have FUN! I did and went to see a movie at the theatre, which I haven’t done in a long time. It was exactly what I needed to do. I took the weekend to (mostly) relax. Now I’m ready for this new week. God does make the way and gives us His grace and help!
Kim Steadman
Oh my! What a horrible bunch of tech dragons! I’m so glad you stepped away to relax, and that you encouraged your client to do so as well. Not only are you learning the “Writing by Divine Grace” but you are also “Leading by Divine Grace!” God bless you!