Light Over Darkness Reading Plan and Journal
Overcome Fear with Scripture
You can overcome fear and darkness with scripture!
I want to share with you a reading plan I created for myself. It’s called “Light Over Darkness” and it’s all about the theme of God’s light in your life.
The stars twinkled in the dark Texas sky. But, that’s not where I fastened my eyes. Instead, I looked ahead to the grove of trees on the edge of our suburban yard. Summer break was my favorite time of the year as a child. My parents paused the usual bedtime routine and I could play in the yard at night.
With the jar in my hand, my finger moving across the holes poked in the lid, I watched and waited for the signal. Then, there it was. The blinking of the little bugs in the dark grove of trees. Off my little legs carried me into my wonderland of nature’s twinkling bugs. I had no fear of that darkness because the joy of lightening bugs far outweighed any apprehensions.
The bug’s light in my childhood mind cast out all my fears.
But, now I’m older and wiser. I know that the unique light of a flashing bug can’t penetrate all darkness or my fears. I need a light that is stronger, wiser, and more powerful.
The light in my life come’s through my relationship with Christ and knowing the one and only Almighty, God.
If you are experiencing some dark days, I encourage you to lean into God’s words and focus on the scriptures that help you to see His Light in your life.
- Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the daily passage. Share your insights and what you learn on Social Media. Perhaps gather some friends to study and journal along with you.
- Write in your journal the scripture you chose for the day, your 5 items of gratitude, along with a short prayer of confession. Then spend time with God in prayer.
You can download a digital PDF file of the scriptures by clicking ==>HERE<==
P.S. If you want the convenience of all the scriptures listed in a journal with plenty of writing space, then don’t forget to order your journal!
P.S.S. A sample of the interior of the journal is pictured below. Room for the date, scripture, 5 gratitude items, confession, and prayer can either be written, drawn or doodled.

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