My Nest
Life in our ReFeathered Nest
Big Coach In The Little Gym
“I’d rather be a big fish in a small pond,” he told his brother Mike. “I can do more here. I can make a bigger impact on people’s lives.”
The Pursuit of Happyness
I was enjoying a bit of reading today at Dr. Shannon’s website and her article of Making Happiness a Habit. I am in control of my Happiness. It is I that chooses whether…
Charlie Brown Leadership
Image via Wikipedia I watched a ” Charlie Brown Christmas” last night! I haven’t watched it in years since our son became a teenager (and has since moved off for college and started…
Ideal Normal Day – 1
I enjoyed an Ideal Normal Day yesterday. You can read about it here ===> Ideal Normal Day What your Ideal Normal Day be!? I would love to hear about it!
Are you a chicken or a pig?
Image via Wikipedia Here at “our house on the hill on the edge of the city near the country” we enjoy an old fashioned breakfast on some Saturday mornings. The menu will…
You can’t do this
A little piece of wisdom goes a long way. ” Do or Do Not , There is no try”. That was quote by Yoda, a short of stature character in the movie Star…
If you want a revolution the only solution evolve
This crazily addictive song by Kevin Quinn is the new Gatorade commercial. The tune is catchy, the words are simple and the message shows several sports moments. [youtube][/youtube] I don’t even remember the…
Pioneers are the ones with arrows in their chest
The phrase immediately causes me to remember some of my favorite John Wayne movies! Can’t you just see the horses, the dust, the sound of rifles firing and the whizzing of arrows in…
7 Hours the Magic Sleep Number
I have been researching a little bit about sleep and sleep patterns. Trying to find that magic place where I have just enough sleep and wake up even more refreshed and full of…
What’s Your Theme Song
I stumbled upon a wonderful young lady -One of those folks you are just instantly drawn to. Perhaps it was her southern drawl – and the fact that since I’m a blue-blood-true-blood Texan,…
The greatest gift to give yourself
What is the greatest gift you can give yourself? There may be many thoughts and ideas, but I was reminded this weekend of a very important gift. It was a gift I discovered…
The world needs all kinds of minds is always full of interesting talks. There is no way that I can keep up! This presentation by Temple Grandin regarding autism and kids had me spellbound. I could listen to her…
The First Time
Image via Wikipedia When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The VERY FIRST TIME? I’m talking a totally NEW experience. A NEW activity. Really REALLY New!? I did on Christmas Day!…
Meet… Dashes and Kindness
Dashes and Kindness, or – An Ode to Mr. B Recently, a friend of my husband’s passed away. It was one of those sudden events. Even though he was older (elderly by some…
Organizing Tips for The Empty Nest
Do you need some organizing tips to make your office or home more orderly? That statement was given to me by a friend years ago. Truthfully, this it was one of those statements…