7 Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home

7 Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home

We are living in unusual circumstances these days. Many of us will find ourselves celebrating Easter at home rather than with friends and family. I started curating some ideas of how I can make Easter more special for me and my hubs as well as my parents who live next door.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I know the list will grow. I even decided to make a new Facebook Group all about Celebrating Life along with holidays. https://www.facebook.com/groups/designyourawesomeyou

  1. Plan ahead. I may have not planned far enough ahead, lol! I can’t believe that this coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Considering that we must shelter-in-home, I will be doing my best to use what I have. Since we don’t have any little children in our home, I’m not having to worry about making Easter baskets. So, those of you who are last minute shoppers may need to start your shopping this week!
  2. Make a Easter Countdown Calendar. I’m going to do this! I haven’t figured out what I’ll do yet. I’ll probably post a picture in the above mentioned FB group. I think it’s important to make this Easter as special as we can.
  3. Find some DIY crafts and start decorating your home now. I usually decorate for spring with one little decoration piece. But, this year I’m going to decorate for EASTER. I’m heading out to the barn today to get our little table top Christmas tree. I have some plastic eggs and will decorate the tree. I have some other ideas and will gather what I can find. I’m thinking white twinkle lights and maybe some silk flowers in a vase.
  4. Send an Easter Care package to a loved one, shut-in or older neighbor. This goes without saying that during these times of safe-distancing from others, we should be reaching out in other ways. I am making a little care package to send to our grandson and a couple of friends who are older and single.
  5. Prepare a special Easter feast. I’ll be using good old ingenuity for this one! If we can’t get a dozen eggs at the grocery store I won’t get to make my angel eggs (*eviled eggs).
  6. Make an Easter playlist of songs. I love this idea! I’m building mine on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhFBX5ZSySo&list=PL1MlPwiPE58oS_L74FdUVlUT8ruN4lOlc
  7. Journal the Passion Week. I have another post all about journaling and reading ideas for the Passion Week. You can read it here:

I hope some of these ideas help you to celebrate Easter in a special way this year!

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