Inspired Writer Unleashed
Inspired Writer Unleashed - $7 a Month Subscription
Who is this for?
You know you want to write and create, but you long for a community of writers who support you as you take your writing to the next level..
You woke up this morning, wiping the sleep from your eyes. Mentally you’re going through your day’s to-do list. Then it hits you..your writing, your book promotion, your course you want to create… You know you want to do something, write something. But, what action do you need to take today to move your writing world forward?
Between writing, social media, life, new ideas and all the do’s… What do you do next? When? Where? How?
You want an inspired place, with inspired people who have your back!
A grace-led, spirit-fed inspired gathering to help you get focus, balance, productive and fulfilled in your writing experience...
Your Writing World
What does your writing world look like?
– Is there peace or confusion?
– Inspiration or muddled thoughts?
– Focused writing time or write when you find time?
– A plan of what to do in a little bit of time, or too much to do and too little time?
What projects are in your writing world?
Are you writing your draft to your next book?
Are you promoting a book?
Are you trying to build your author platform?
Maybe you have a book with a course and a social group.
There are many layers to your writing and your journey..
it can be overwhelming
- You may be tempted to give up.
- Maybe you feel overwhelmed.
- Perhaps your lonely and want a companion walking the same journey as you.
Achieving your writing and creating dreams isn't something reserved for "the other person. It can, and should be, you...
What you get inside The Inspired Writer Factory
- It’s about creating and nurturing your life, so that you have time to write or take the time guilt-free to not write.
- It’s about making priorities so you have time to build an author platform.
- It’s about fostering the good qualities in you, so you can do more with the words God’s given you.
- Kingdom Mindset Growth
- Authorpreneur Coaching
- Personal Growth with Lifter Upper Coaching
The details...
Here we network, mingle, ask questions and look for support. This is your place to be real, honest, and encourage others.
This is the accountability thread, if you choose to participate. No pressure. It was a format such as this that helped me to self-publish my first book in 90-days!
This is a 10+ PDF download which is a tip-sheet for the month. It includes 1 or 2 devotionals, Tips and Suggestions for the Monthly Focus (which may include links to documents or spreadsheets you can use and copy!), Book of the Month suggestion, and MORE…
Each month we’ll have a theme to help us grow and learn. So far the themes have been Renew, Connect, and Consistency
Currently, you can promote your books, programs, coaching and more in The Inspired Writer Sanctuary Facebook Group. This gives you an opportunity to get more eyeballs on your words. There’s a sign-up sheet with more details once you join.
Your email will be added to the Unleashed weekly email list. Hints, tips, links, and relevant content to help you UNLEASH your writing world!
There are 4 Pillars that I’ve created in my personal Inspired Sanctuary and my desire is to share these principles with you.
Focused: Focus is what is top of mind. That which we think a lot about is where our energy is. That’s not some airy-fairy idea. It’s proof. If you stare in your rear-view mirror, you driving will drift. If you think about what bad could happen, you’re going to see bad in everything ahead. Focus is about having the correct things for you in top of mind. Focus enables you to write and create the things that God has called you to do, when you need to do them. No idea is bad, but sometimes it’s the wrong time to work on an idea.
Balanced: True balance in life, and in your writing, comes from being able to:
- Deal with temptations – shiny objects that may keep you from your writing missions
- Say no – the world will keep revolving without you in the middle of ‘things’
- Staying true to your values because living life off center from your values leads to everything off centered.
Productive: Productivity isn’t about doing more and more or even about accolades and accomplishment. A tomato plant bears fruit, but it’s a growing process before the blossom turns into a ripe, red piece of fruit. Busyness isn’t always fruitful.
Fulfilled: Everyone’s definition of success is different. But, the same goes for feeling fulfilled. Fulfillment has many definitions. As you align your goals with God’s plan, and subsequent actions you will learn to know true fulfillment.