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Howdy! I’m Kim Steadman, and I’m so glad you are here!

Kim Steadman

I am a life-long encourager, “lifter upper” and creative woman. I’m a Christian writer, teacher, & prayer warrior. But, first I am a blessed wife, mother, and Meme.

I’m also the Chief Happiness Officer of my life. I love the fact I can make that statement now! And, I love showing other women how to take control of the stress overwhelm so that they too can live in the happiness and peace our Master Designer desires for them!

I’m the author of “The Creative Prayer Journal” , The Diary of a Recycled Dog, and the creator of “The 21-Day Gratitude Game”, and an Amazon International Author and a guest blogger. I’m also a “Doodler” and love to share my scripture coloring pages. Have you found my FREE coloring pages?

I went back to work when our son entered high school. After  16 successful years in the public sector I ‘retired’ from my corporate management career to bring my heart home. I had fallen prey to the world’s definition of success, and it nearly killed me. In the haven of our little cottage, I let Him heal my heart, mind body and soul as I redefined success for my life.

Here’s a little bit more about me….

For many years, my focus was on helping an American corporate business reach its goals and dreams.

Over time, I realized I wasn’t 100% fulfilled with my career (mainly because I denied the prompting to return my body and heart HOME). After years of feeling stuck and restless, I crafted a plan to be able to escape cubicle nation. Then at the appointed time I took a leap of faith and left my corporate career to finish the process of self-discovery and growth for my true calling – helping other women to learn to define ‘success’ according to God’s individual purpose for their lives – and not how the world may define success.

At the time of my retirement, I started a personal journey to become grounded in the four aspects of my life- heart, mind, body and soul. But I’ve realized that other women need guidance to overcome their obstacles, lack of Faith, and unclear directions so that they too can learn how to embrace their God-given purpose, passions, and delight into their life.

Media Kits for Books by Kim C. Steadman

The Creative Prayer Journal, Creative Prayer Ideas, Creative Journal Ideas, Women's Prayer Journal

Click here to Download the Media Kit for The Creative Prayer Journal: A 21-Day Prayer Challenge to Experiencing Meaningful Conversations With God

Diary of a Recycled Dog, Diary of a Dog, Foster Fail, Adopting a Dog, Teaching Kids Empathy and Kindness, Easy reader chapter books for kids

Click here to download the Media Kit for The Diary of a Recycled Dog: Live, Love, Bark!

Do you have a longing in your heart to truly understand your purpose in life now because you just feel unsettled and that it’s TIME for something new? Maybe “Mom” isn’t your full time “job” anymore? Have you lost touch with ‘you’ as the years have passed? Are discontented in your career? Are you longing to feel fulfilled again? The biggest question is do you STRUGGLE with these questions because maybe you don’t think you deserve to make any changes?

My greatest recent struggle was allowing myself to say no to prestige, money, and career and give myself permission to give myself a new definition of success. I had buried my inner conflict in more work which led to stress for various reasons.  But, deep down I longed for a more meaningful life. After prayer and realizations, I knew God brought me to a point in my life for change. Through strategic decisions, I took flight into a  writing career. Maybe your heart is longing too.

Womanhood is like a 4-legged chair with each leg being a facet of “who we are”…

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Grandma, Employee, Businesswoman, Philanthropist, Teacher, Coach, Cook, Housewife. The list is endless.

Each of those facets can stretch a woman. The key to inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment is understanding our limits and living a balanced life. Here’s the good news!

  • Becoming a “50-ish” woman is just another GREAT way to honor your wisdom.
  • Joy awaits you as you seek God and get back in touch with YOU! Maybe the years in the “kids at home zone” was full of a joyful hustle and bustle buzz. Now the chicks have flown the coop, and the dull roar at home has settled to a thudding silence. Maybe you are at a little bit of a loss and have some nagging questions. But don’t fret!
  • I am here to help you find the answers!
  • I’m not offering magic fairy dust or unattainable changes, just bucket loads of resources you can use!

If you are ready I’m here offering you very real and practical strategies for transitioning from where you are now to where you want to be – a purposed, defined, happier, and more passionate woman.

** Because you have to fill your own cup before you can fill the cup of others **


My Mission is to encourage you to step out in faith and discover new purpose and passion.


My Vision is to empower you with tools, ideas and direction to understand your God given purpose and design for your life.

I will accomplish this by teaching you:

  • How to say YES to yourself by giving yourself ‘permission’ for self-care
  • How to connect or reconnect with your inner core values
  • How to discover your new purpose in life
  • How to learn to focus on healing yourself, home and relationships
  • How to draw closer to God through the power of prayer
  • How to “Design Your Awesome You.”

My Values:

I have a personal motto of “Honor God, Love Family, Respect Country.” You will find much of my writing and coaching revolves around my core personal beliefs.

Joy, Laughter & Smiles

I think that any woman is most beautiful when she is smiling. She may be covered head to toes in the dirt, hair messed up from running around with the grand-kids all day, or pitifully sick with a cold. A Smile is the perfect makeup for the face. Joy is the perfect healer of the soul. Laughter is the perfect medicine for the bones.

Honor God

I base everything I do on the question “Will this action Honor God?” I am proud to be Christian, and I seek His guidance in all I do. I know that everyone doesn’t believe in God, and is not a Christian. Maybe perhaps they don’t know who or what they believe in. I’ll never pretend to have all the answers, but if you ever need to talk or just want to know more, I’m ready to help you.


I come from a small family. I was an only child, and we raised an only child. But my family is my most treasured gift God has given me. Since I am from a small family, I do have a tendency to “mother” other folks and welcome them into “my extended family.” I am like a Momma Bear. I will protect my young (just giving you fair warning!)

Honesty and Integrity

I believe honesty and integrity are two of the most important character traits a person can have, and I strive to my best to uphold those. I will sometimes be brutally honest with you, but we have all heard the saying “Sometimes the truth hurts.” But without truth, there can be no healing because the Truth WILL set you free! I believe that Integrity is becoming a lost value. However, I hold it very dear to my heart. I will always strive to be consistent and truthful.

Teaching and Leadership

When my parents entered the ministry, I didn’t know what was in store for me. At a young teenage life of 13, I was thrust into the role as a teacher for the small children in the church. I applied my keyboard skills to learning the organ for music. I sang praises in the church service. The skills continued to build. I also learned to roll up my sleeves and work, clean, wipe snotty noses that didn’t belong to me, arrange church functions and children’s ministry activities. I carried those skills and values into the corporate world climbing the corporate ladder during my zig-zag career track. After the glass ceiling crashed in on me (stressed-out, burned-out), I left the corporate world. I came home to nurture my creative side. I enjoy teaching, encouraging and mentoring others. I never imagined that I would become the woman of so many various skills but the basic foundation of teaching and leadership are something I hold dear to my heart. I am constantly trying to find ways to help others and to encourage others with some of the wisdom I have gathered along the way. I LOVE being able to virtually support the arms of others so that THEY can succeed – just the way Aaron and Hur lifted the arms of Moses so that the children of Israel could win the battle!

Personal Development

I didn’t always know what “Personal Development” meant. But I learned the way to get there is by reading, learning and seeking knowledge to better yourself. I love reading books to try to “learn something new.” I believe it is the greatest action that anyone can do for themselves. I do believe that knowledge is power, but it is even more powerful if you do something with the knowledge gained.

Nature & Creativity

I LOVE this beautiful earth that was created by God for us to enjoy. But we also are the caretakers for the only “blue jewel” that there is in our universe. I have a healthy love relationship for nature. I respect the birds and critters and really can “waste” an entire day bird watching. Oh my, don’t let a bunny, raccoon or squirrel run by or I’ll be following them too. I believe we should do our best to be good stewards of the land. Reduce waste when we can by going the extra mile. Use caution and care when using chemicals by remembering that everything we use has a lasting effect on our earthly legacy.

Some fun stuff about Kim:

Husband: Stan (Retried from 911 and the most supportive, loving and patient husband in the world)

Children: A son and grandson. Fur Children Zak and Denver now rule the roost. Denver has a Facebook page because he’s a star! He also has his book, The Diary of a Recycled Dog!

Favorite PastTimes: Cooking, Enjoying Nature, Photography, Reading, Doodling

Biggest Accomplishment: Raising a wonderful son who introduced us to the concept of Aggie Pride!

Favorite Food: Mexican

Favorite Movie: Star Wars (the original: 1977)

Biggest Fear: Dirt roads

Biggest Source of Inspiration: GOD

Best Advice: “A map not drawn is a treasure not found.”

Childhood Dream: To be a Veterinarian, a Librarian, Avon Lady or an Author <==I’m now LIVING that dream!

Biggest Surprise: Born, raised and lives IN Texas but has never owned a pair of cowboy boots or a cowboy hat!

Nicknames: Kimbo, Kimi

Biggest Secret: Shhhh….I can’t tell you! If I TOLD you, then it wouldn’t be a secret!

Favorite Childhood Books: “The Little Engine That Could,” “The Girl of the Limberlost” and all the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books

My 15 Seconds of Fame: Sitting in the first few rows of a Rod Stewart concert when my husband caught one of the soccer balls he kicks out. Hubby handed it to me, and all the other women looked at me seething with jealousy, and I LOVED IT! It was SO COOL!

What People Are Saying About Kim

“Kim is open, honest and straightforward in her approach but she does it in such a way that is nurturing. She and ‘The ReFeathered’ are the real deal. Her life experiences and common sense approach easily bring clarity to a situation. She genuinely provides assistance, support, and guidance to others. Kim has generously provided me with suggestions and feedback. I recommend Kim Steadman and encourage you to utilize the skills and talents she offers.”

Marsha Godwin,,,

“It is evident that Kim loves people. She is always ready to help in anyway she can. She has helped me with wording for my Unique Selling Proposition and brainstormed with me for the title of my ebook and what the cover should look like. She has a true gift with words.”
Ree Rote,

“Kim Steadman with “The Re-Feathered Nest” is a true gift to Empty-Nesters everywhere. Not only does she exemplify the phrase “Go-Giver” she knows just the right thing to say to people, to help them become their best “self”. Kim has proven time and again to be an expert in her field and if you have the opportunity to work with Kim, or purchase any of her training, I HIGHLY recommend that you do so. Your life will be far better off with Kim in it, helping you navigate the waters of life as an empty-nester.”

Natasha Hazlett


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