Journaling Ideas

Journaling Ideas

My favorite supplies for DIY keepsake journals

A three-ring binder. I prefer a 1” binder. They aren’t as heavy and there is room to combine several themes.  Here’s some pictures and examples

White or Black 3-ring Binder

White 3-Ring Binder to Create Your Memory Journal or Scrapbook


Cute, Pretty 3-ring Binder



Blank notebook paper – To answer your journal questions and you can tape or glue photos or memorabilia to the pages.



Journaling pen or marker. Permanent, water-resist, fade resist. My favorite is the brand called “Micron” 


Dividers – If you are going to combine different themes into one binder, then you’ll want to divide each section. I like these because the tabs are big and writable.



Acid free sheet protectors – If you don’t want to tape shots or memorabilia onto pages, then these serve as a handy method to keep them organized in your keepsake journal.


Themed Journal Questions – For your convenience, I have the starter questions from my book available as a pdf download to those who have a copy of, “Leaving a Story Legacy: Tips to Create Keepsake Journals and one easy method you can start today”  ==> Click Here to get your copy today