Are you ready to Stand By Me


I am inspired every time I hear this song. I love this version by the “Playing for a Change” project.

At some point in your life, no matter who you are, no matter where you are. There will come a day that you need someone to stand by you.

The flip side is that at some point in your life, no matter who you are and no matter where you are, YOU will need to stand by someone. The challenge to us, is that sometimes, we don’t know the when it happens. You see folks. You never know what your encouraging words or smile may do for someone. You don’t know if they are at their lowest point in their life, and need someone to stand by them.

I encourage you this week to reach out to 3 people a day on Facebook and offer them an encouraging word. You never know if it may be the words, YOUR words, that help them during a rough day.

It is time to create a life for yourself of Deliberate and Intentional Direction. By encouraging others, you move yourself in an upward direction!

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