You have the key
- Image by Daniesq via Flickr
There is an old song by The Eagles (ya, wow, I’m dating myself!) called Already Gone.
A phrase of the song goes like this:
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key
Now, their song is really talking about a guy that finds out his girlfriend is going to ditch him. And he is declaring that he was already thinking about breaking up – so, he is “Already Gone” and has his freedom.
There will be a time (or times) in our life that we are going to have to use the key we already have in our hand to free ourselves.
Have you found yourself at a time in your life when you need be set free?
Sometimes our chains that bind us are optional. A bad relationship? A bad habit that is holding you back from your full potential? A business that is stale?
I just want to encourage you –
You hold the key. There is nothing to wait for. You have the power to unlock those chains. Go ahead – turn the key!
And, remember, you have the power to tilt the world in YOUR favor!