Simple Gratitude

Have you ever had that feeling that just everything is going bad for you?

A while back I coached a young lady through a rough time in her life. She felt like every day was full of nothing but bad luck and bad things. I have to admit, the things she was sharing with me were bad. But, I tried to show her how to look for good things.

So, I gave her some homework. I asked her to get a little notebook and to write one thing every day that she was grateful and thankful for. I told her not even to concentrate on the big things, but to purposely look for small things. A child’s smile. A sunny day. The sight of a bird in the sky.

A couple of weeks later she showed me her notebook – dated and a list of things she was thankful for.

Does it ever surprise you when someone actually listens to you? This young lady had listened and I noticed that she had a smile on her face that truly came from within.

Gratitude will not only cheer your heart, but it is actually good for your health.

According to the folks over at CISM International
“When you find one thing, however small, to be thankful for and you hold that feeling for as little as 15-20 seconds, many subtle and beneficial physiologic changes take place in your body:

Stress hormone levels of cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, creating a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes such as an enhanced immune system;
Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart;
Heart rhythms becomes more harmonious, which positively affects your mood and all other bodily organs;
Breathing becomes deeper, thus increasing the oxygen level of your tissues.

Important mental changes take place as well. It lifts your mood, makes you smile and gives you a more positive outlook. Best of all, you can do it any time, any place and reap the immediate benefits of your change in perception.”

I encourage you to start a “Grateful List”. It can be a cute little notebook or as simple as a sheet of paper on your refrigerator. Everyday, put down something you are grateful for.

Remember, “An attitude of gratitude will raise your altitude”

With a grateful heart,

One Comment

  • Hayley

    Oh how I wish I had read this yesterday! Talk about a pity party…lol… its so easy to get caught up in all of the sometimes meaningless stresses of everyday life, and miss out on the many blessings God gives us each day! I’m going to take your advice. Gonna grab a journal and start tomorrow!

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