Empty Nest Travels – A friend of Billy the Kid

The Place: A deserted old cemetery somewhere near Capitan NM
The Oddity: A tombstone with the words “a friend of Billy the Kid”
I thought that was unusual, and it caused me to do some research after we got back from that trip in 2009. Comes to find out, there are some writers and some old interviews and while Billy the Kid may have been notorious, he was also a true friend to his friends.
Must have been if the persons family was willing to have it chiseled on his tombstone!
My reflection after seeing it, was THAT was the kind of friend to be…a friend that was such a friend your friends would want to proclaim it in stone!
Remember, “a map not drawn is a treasure not found!” (and you never know what you will find!)
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Arleen Bradley
His friends must have been good to him. And he a good friend to his. There is something to admire about everyone.
Cute post! I think I saw that same tombstone on one of our many summer family road trips as a child. I completely agree that this is an apt description of a great friend.