When the chicks come home to roost

Never fear mom. Your empty nest may be empty on some days, but it’s not forever empty.

One of the things that happens is that Rooster and Hen (Dad and Mom) get comfortable in making some new habits.

Then, when the chicks (the kids) come home for vacations, college breaks, weekends, or for a short (hopefully) stint at living back at home there may be some changes that have taken place that you weren’t aware of.

I hope you enjoy a a very cute post by Alice who reminds us that sometimes the chicks come back to the nest, and some of the “conflicts” that may arise.

Reading her article reminded me of the habit hubby and I have been in of going to bed as early as 8:30 or 9 pm.
When our nest emptied, we decided one of our changes would be to try to get 7 hours of sleep a night. The times when our son has come back home, we purposed that we would cherish the time and forgo the sleep. BUT, if he and his family were to come home now for an extended time, I’m thinking we probably would have a little “conflict of times” =) It doesn’t take long for the head Rooster and Hen to get established in new habits!

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  • Maggie Lukowski

    Kim, a great post! We are in that stage. Some have rebounded but now it’s just us. – Maggie

  • Beth_Barany

    It’s been a long time since I visited my parents to stay for more than an evening or afternoon. But I used to bring my laundry home from college. I was lovingly teased by my mom, in that that “my college girl comes home 2 hours on the bus with her laundry” kind of way. It was sweet, but eventually I stopped coming home for summers and weekends and my parents didn’t miss my laundry visits.

  • Anne Dovel

    I have my first one getting ready to fly and I must say, it’s created more emotions than I expected.

  • Kim

    ha Beth! I’m betting that even if it appeared your mom didn’t miss your laundry visits…deep down, she LIKED them! Thanks for stopping by to visit!

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