To Thine Own Self Be True

The title page of the First Folio with the fam...
Image via Wikipedia

Some of you may have cringed when reading the title.  It may have brought back memories of High School English class when having to read and learn about Shakespeare.  I think some folks thought of that class as “nap time” because the language can be so difficult to understand. (I’ll give you a little lesson about this line tomorrow!)

While that Shakespearean class may have been hard to understand, Life can also be hard to understand as well.  Sometimes, we just don’t get it. Or we thought we got it, but IT changed. Or IT isn’t working out the way we planned IT would.

The good thing about turning the pages on a calendar and beginning an entirely different year is the chance to re-write a portion of our life, and maybe change some of the events that have happened in order to forge a new chapter.

In May 2010 I had to take inventory of my life and realize that I was not creating my ultimate dream business or life.  Some things that I wanted to achieve were not going to happen with the actions I was doing.  In other words, I was paddling hard but was not going to get there!  I imagined myself being a little duck on a pond.  Serenely gliding across the water, but the little duck feet were paddling.

So, I did some soul searching, regrouping and realigned my actions with my goals.

It’s o.k. to make changes along life’s journey.  In fact, probably only the most perfect person wouldn’t have to make some tweaks and changes!

I encourage YOU to take a look at your goals and see if now, the beginning of a new year, might not be a good time to make some changes.

Oh, and a little lesson from Shakespeare tomorrow!

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