Spiritual Survival in a Changing World- Woman At Rest series
Our spiritual survival in a changing world depends on one thing. We have to reach out to the only one with hands big enough, shoulders strong enough and a mind clear enough to navigate these trying times.
To say that the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions is saying it lightly. First, we had hurricane Harvey which devastated the Gulf Coast. Then hurricane Maria pounded Florida. Concurrently there were fires in Montana and the west that were hardly covered in the news. I lost touch with a friend who lives in Puerto Rico. I’ve been in a constant prayerful attitude for her and her family’s safety. My last note from her was on Facebook and she was in the direct line of the hurricane. The ferocious winds were battering her home.
Then, this week there were the horrific shootings in Las Vegas. I cannot even begin to fathom or articulate the horror that all those people went through. To say that they will need prayer for a lifetime is putting it mildly.
The other night, I began to think about how to survive in this changing world. No, it’s not like it was when I grew up in the late 60’s and early 70’s and I would be remiss to think it ever will be. To think that during that time, one of the big headline news items was the “Jesus Freak” movement on the West Coast. It sure seems like we need another movement like that, doesn’t it?
One of the things most people don’t know about me is that I have a fascination with “Survival Skills.” This, from a woman who never advanced passed her Blue Birds vest. That means I never even sold one box of Girl Scout cookies. I’m not sure why, but the idea of having skills to make it in the wilderness has always intrigued me. I’m pretty sure it’s from my early girlhood days of reading the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Those folks who live off the grid in Alaska have that same survival and wilderness spirit. That’s another topic that fascinates me.
Sometimes, as a Christian, I feel as though I’m in a foreign place. I don’t fit in and that I’m having to survive by using my wits and brains. The truth is, this world really isn’t our home. We shouldn’t feel comfortable or settled. Earth is not our final destination. Therefore, we will find ourselves with feelings of trying to survive. Anyway, I spent some quiet time to settle my heart after hearing about the shootings. God impressed on me that I do have to strengthen my spiritual survival here on earth. But, He’s given me all the tools.
I want to share with you a series of images I posted on my Facebook page that night. I pray they resonate with you because it did with several of my friends.
Our spiritual survival depends on our abilities to:
- Drink Water
- Seek Shelter
- Find Food
- Make Fire
- Navigate
- Find Help
I’m going to write more about each of these later, but for now, here are the images. I hope they bless you!
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Can you think of something else you need in your Spiritual Survival Kit? I would love to hear them in your comments below!
Kim Steadman is a wife, mother and proud Meme. She is a cubicle nation escapee who now pursues her lifelong dream of a creative writing journey. Her writing works include “The Creative Prayer Journal” and “The Diary of a Recycled Dog.” She loves to help other creatives nurture the connection between their faith & creativity. Connect with her on Facebook at KimSteadmanAuthor