Rock Your Life Live Your Life By Design
Last year a business mentor of mine posted a blog post about creating 5 year goals.
For me, that was a little overwhelming to do because my mindset so often tends to concentrate on the small things I need to do daily to accomplish any goal, business or personal.
But, this year has been a little bit different for me. I’ve been more aware these first few months about how swiftly time passes.
With the birth of our grandson last year, my aging body, my parents growing older, and life whisking by faster than a hummingbird zooming off to the next feeder I am more aware of the old song “Fly Like an Eagle” and the part of the lyrics that say “Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin into the future”.
Live Your Life By Design
I’ve finally become more aware of the need to plan and design my time. Let’s face it, if you don’t “design” your life, very quickly life will just fall into a mode of “default”.
My mentor wrote about a challenge she was given, and I now share with you the same challenge.
Find yourself a big, flat surfaced rock.
I encourage you to write down your 5-year goals on one side of the rock. Then, on the other side write why you deserve to reach those goals.
I’ll admit to you, when I first read about that challenge and sort of decided to do it, I was a little, well, for lack of words, freaked out. I did good to make a plan and stick to something for a few months. I couldn’t imagine actually writing down my 5 year goals, and then formulating plans to make them come to pass.
In fact, I didn’t.
Oh, I found the rock. I put the rock on my desk.

The rock set there for a year just glaring at me with it’s stone face (no pun intended) constantly reminding me that I didn’t follow through. In fact, it’s sort of reminded me of those pet rocks from the 70’s. I’ve cleaned it, dusted it, moved it around to give it a better view on my desk. I’ve put it in a drawer, on a shelf, back on my desk. But I never “nourished” it. I never wrote my goals.
Until today.
I’ve written my goals, AND the 2nd hardest part of writing why I DESERVE those goals.
Are you ready for some clarity and design in your life?
Have fun exploring on this Earth Day celebration and find yourself a rock. It will change your life, an for goodness sakes, please don’t wait a year like I did!
If you found this article helpful and encouraging and can think of a friend that could benefit, please share!
When you’ve tried the rock exercise, let me now how it went.
Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~
Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim.