redeeming failures and forgiveness 30-day devotional about forgiveness,

Redeeming Failures – Coffee with Kim #3

Redeeming Failures. Those moments when we feel crummy because we think…we know…we failed.
Today I’m giving you another sneak peek of the devotionals for my March’s newsletter. When you join my newsletter not only do I share with you my ‘reading between the lines’ author news, but I give you a 30-day devotional pdf!
redeeming failures and forgiveness 30-day devotional about forgiveness,

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” – John 21:15, NIV
Peter couldn’t help the tears that poured down his face. He sat on the front stoop rocking, his whole body unable to bear the weight of what he’d just done.

He couldn’t forget his promise just days ago. “Even if the world betrays you, I won’t.”

He’d meant to keep those words. Then he’d let his fear get the better of him. But it was the look in Jesus’ eyes when he uttered the last denial that he couldn’t get out of his mind.

His heart ached in a way that was almost physically painful. He’d failed the one person who meant the most to him.

Days later, the news comes. Jesus is alive! Peter rejoiced but the heaviness of what he’d done was still with him. He dragged his betrayal around like a heavy sack of stones.

After breakfast, Jesus asked a question quietly. His words were so quiet that Peter almost misses them. “Do you love me?”

“You know I do.” Peter said it with conviction.

Then Jesus asked the question twice more. In all, he asked three times and he did it to prove a point.
He was intentional about drawing Peter’s attention away from his failure and back to their relationship.

Jesus doesn’t want you to get bogged down by what you’ve done. He wants you to get back on track and that starts with accepting His forgiveness and living out His calling for your life.

God, sometimes I fall short. I sin. I betray. I mess up, just like Peter. When that happens, help me to repent then turn my focus back to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I email the devotionals on the 15th to give you time to download and print if you want to. Don’t forget to join my newsletter so you don’t miss the next installment.

When she’s not sweeping dog hair, experimenting in the kitchen, or doodling on paper, Kim C. Steadman is writing. She is a self-proclaimed cubicle-nation escapee and now lives her childhood dreams. She is a freelance writer, speaker and ministers alongside her family in Grand Prairie, TX. She and her husband care-take acreage which includes woods, fields and critters all of which weave themselves into her writings.

She is the author of The Creative Prayer Journal: A 21-Day Prayer Challenge to Experiencing Meaningful Conversations With God, The Diary of a Recycled Dog and The Creative Keepsake Journal series.

She loves coffee, chocolate, and TexMex food. She also enjoys DIY projects that don’t include power saws & hiking in the mountains. Connect with her on Facebook at KimSteadmanAuthor

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