Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wishes For You!

Another Empty Nest Christmas Full of Love, Joy and Giggles
I’m sending you oodles of love and delight to you during these Happy Holy-days. Our empty nest days have new traditions and we also continue with the old. One of which is gathering for Christmas Eve as our family Christmas time. I’ve always loved this because it gave us Christmas Day to go to the in-laws and also time have quiet time at home and not feel so rushed.Β Now that the nest is empty, we spend time with my folks next door and lots of reflective time planning for the new year.
This year, much of my reflective time today has been spent thinking about those of you that share with me here in The ReFeathered Nest dot com. I am truly thankful for you and hope and pray that your days are not only merry and bright, but full of hope and wonder.
I am looking for 2016 to be an amazing year and I’m ready for God to do amazing things in people’s lives. The key is being willing to take action and to open the windows and doors to your heart to receive them.
I have some exciting things on the horizon for you this coming year and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Until then, I truly hope that you are able to not only enjoy the afterglow of the Holidays but also enjoy the anticipation and excitement of the coming new year. Please take some time for yourself to rest from the hurry and scurry of the season and give yourself some extra care and TLC.
Here are some giggles and fun from our nest this Christmas!
Out of the mouth of babes
I”m passing out gifts and we are doing them in stages, so that there aren’t lots of bags on the floor as a trip hazard. There is one more gift bag left…
Rusty (our 2 1/2 yr old grandson): What’s that?
Meme (Me): A gift for you.
Rusty: That’s a good idea!
Out of the mouth of babes
I tell Rusty what’s on the counter so he can let me know what he wants to of the choices was “Meatballs”…
Rusty: Meme! I want meatPAWS!! ((His favorite little show is Paw Patrol))
Forever and always, meatballs WILL BE meatPAWS!
Out of the mouth of babes
Our daughter-in-love telling us about Rusty and his picture with Santa….
Santa: Here you go little one, you get a Santa Cookie Plate
Rusty: Thank you for the plate, but where’s the cookies??
Lesson: Say what you mean, and mean what you say, LOL!
From the newly licensed tractor driver of the family,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book “βMy Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim