using spare time to write my story

How to make your dreams come true

How do you make your dreams come true?

Have you found yourself saying, “I don’t have time to ________?”ย  You can fill in the blank with anything you’ve wanted to do but ‘didn’t have time to do.’

Maybe it’s learn a new hobby. Perhaps it’s a book you’ve longed to write for years. However, your thoughts block you from starting because you’ve convinced yourself you don’t have time.

When I first saw this chart years ago I had one of those aha moments.ย  I was trying to fit several things on my plate at work and in my personal life. It’s from the book called
“The Fifth Principle” by Micheal Clouse.

As a result of listening to folks give excuses, he wrote it to help people to training others in a network marketing biz. Hold on! I’m not going to ask you to join a business.ย  But, he made a valid point to explain to people when they say they don’t have time to _______ <you fill in the blank.>

You can use your spare time to write your first book

Most of all, thousands of people DO fun things and fulfill life dreams inย  their “spare time.”

Have you ever said:
“I can’t start a hobby, I don’t have time”
“I can’t exercise and get fit, I don’t have time”
“I can’t give back to the community or do any sort of
volunteer work, I don’t have time”
“I can’t fulfill my dream and write a book, I don’t have time.”

Where does your time go?

Seems like we may need to evaluate our time. There are 168 hours in every single week. Therefore, where exactly does the time go?

Letโ€™s take a good long look:

Activity / Time Spent / Time Remaining in the week

8 hours a day / 56 hours a week / 112 hours remaining.

Full time job
8 hours a day / 40 hours a week / 72 hours remaining.

2 hours a day / 10 hours a week / 62 hours remaining.

2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 48 hours remaining.

Family & Entertainment
2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 34 hours remaining.

2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 20 hours remaining!

So the next time you think to yourself, “Iโ€™d like to write a book, but I just donโ€™t have the time,” look at the chart.

I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt it can be done. If you have 90 days andย  20 hours a week to invest in writing you can have a draft for your your first book!

If you long to write, but haven’t started…or if you write, but would like the companionship of a gathering of faith-based writers…please visitย  It’s my community of writers and we would love to have!

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