How to choose your theme word for the year

Choosing a theme word for my year has been my yearly tradition for 3 years. That means no more resolutions! The intent is to LIVE by that word – One Word for the year.

How to choose One Word Theme Word for Your Year

I wrote about my New Year Resolution Revolution here if you would care to go back and read it.

I’ve been asked to be a little more in-depth on how I chose my theme word, and why.

How to choose a theme word for the year

I’ll admit that I’m always a little apprehensive when it comes to choosing my word for the year.Β  Maybe it’s because I haven’t been doing it very long, or maybe it’s my insecurities of wanting to be sure to choose the ‘right one’.Β  I mean, who wants to make a mistake when you are choosing the theme for your entire YEAR?Β  That’s a long commitment!

As I outlined in my previous post, I really prayed about it. I asked for guidance on what should be my focus for the year. Truly, my word, SIMPLE, kept coming to the front of my mind. I didn’t even read through a list of words as a memory jogger. It was if the word was calling me.

Let me explain about the rreflective thoughts I suggested in my other post I had while choosing my word.

What do I need this year?

Over the past year, I’ve been adjusting to the changes of having quit my corporate job to work at home, increase my health in various aspects (heart, mind, body and soul) and help more in care-taking of my parent’s and their property. It seemed as if I said many times during the year “there is just too much stuff” and I’ve had bursts of de-cluttering and organizing. But, there was more that could be done. The word SIMPLE seemed to fit everything. I needed some simple business practices. I needed less clutter and a more simplified life. I wanted there to just be a feeling of, for lack of a better word, AHHH when I went into any of our living spaces or outdoor spaces.Β  That’s just a few examples of what I felt I needed.

What’s in my way?

I’ve often heard ‘creative’ type folks talk about that they find that every so often they need to clear things away, to make room for new things. I’ve had this nagging feeling tugging at me for a few months that something ‘great and different’ was on the horizon. But I needed to clean/remove/clutter-free some areas of my life in order to receive them. I’m not just talking about tangible items either. I’m also talking about emotional ‘stuff’ too. I know I have some old feelings that it’s time to let go of and get back to the basics of some positive emotions. I know there are some things that are standing in the way of the greatness that I KNOW God has planned for my life.

What needs to be removed?

So, this relates back to the previous reflective thought. It’s one thing to acknowledge what’s in my way. It’s an entirely different thing to go through the actual steps to remove those things. Whether it be tangible items, feelings, emotions, thoughts – if it’s in your way from positive growth, then it needs to be removed if at all possible.

That’s a little glimpse into my mind while choosing my theme word for the year. It’s not too late to choose yours. I do have several friends that are committing to their word this week. I have some friends that have chosen their words such as:

  • Focus
  • Commit
  • What If
  • Move
  • Forward
  • Action
  • Encourage

Truly, the list of words are endless!

I hope I’ve encouraged you to remove the stress of the new year and ditch the resolution list, and chose your ONE WORD Theme Word for your New Year!

Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~

Kim Steadman is the Content Curator and COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest, a place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who are ready to RePurpose and ReDesign themselves according to God’s purpose for their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. She is the author of the soon to be released book “β€œMy Little Book of Empty Nest Quotes & Wisdom.’ Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim


  • Beth Kelley

    I think I will make my theme word Intentional. Thanks for the inspirations!

  • Emma

    I’ve tried having a theme word before and didn’t really keep up with it – a couple of years ago it was courage and I can’t even remember if I had one last year. So I decided against having one this year (I have a simple list of goals but no New Years resolutions). But having read this I’m now wondering if simple would be a good word for me too. I think it might be.

  • Elisabeth

    I’m a little stuck trying to pick one word… “rebuilding” maybe? Or “overcoming”? The last two years have been awful and had so many problems (my husband had three heart attacks in 2014 and in 2015 was diagnosed with schizophrenia). But I’m not going to let it stop me from progressing in 2016!

    Off to think some more on this….

  • kimsteadman

    Awww.. Elisabeth. I’ll be sure to whisper prayers for your hubby, and YOU. I think either of those 2 words would be good words to focus on for the year. Let me know what you end up with! Thanks for stopping by!

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Emma! It was a little hard for me to get used to as well. But NOW I’m spoiled to just focusing on the one word. Kudos for you on having a list of goals! You go girl!!! As for simple…KISS (Keep it simple sweety) =)

  • kimsteadman

    Hi Beth! Ooooh…LOVE that word “Intentional” NOW, write down real purrrrty like and put it some place where you will see it EVERY DAY! It really does help – or at least it helped me! Thanks for stopping by!

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