Feather Your Nest with Daily Positive Actions
Just so excited I have to proclaim it here!
I set out one year ago to do a positive action each day.
The key was each action was to take no more than 15 minutes. If it was going to take longer, then I would finish the next day.
The goal was that even if things got so busy and nothing on my “to-done” list got done, I could at least close my eyes each night knowing that I DID something positive for my life.
I had a core list of 100 items to choose from, but of course I didn’t have to only do those items. They really served as memory joggers but it was also nice to not have to think about anything, just CHOOSE something.
Well, I DID it! I did one year of daily positive actions!
You may be going through your days as an empty nester and still haven’t found your “groove” yet.
If you don’t feel you have purpose…
If you are having sad feelings…
If you just don’t feel like you know what to DO…
Then begin with a small positive action each day.
I truly feel it will help you!
If you would be interested in starting your “100 Daily Positive Actions” then I invite you to join my newsletter and receive the “100 Daily Positive Actions” list. I look forward to hearing from you!

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