Facebook Photos Made Into a Facebook Book
I’ve found the neatest thing! It’s called Blurb.
You can create a personal gift this holiday with their Custom Planners and Photo Books.
But, the neatest thing is their Facebook Book!
Have you ever had pictures in an Album on Facebook and thought what nice photo album it would make? And how about all the clever comments to go with them?
Now, you can make a date with your creative side and make the perfect gift for family & friends or even yourself! The beautifully designed photo book and weekly planner templates allow you to create a professional–looking, yet personal, gift for yourself or family, friends, co-workers, and clients.
I can hardly wait to get started on my Blurb Facebook Book! I think it’s a neat and creative project to keep an Empty Nest Mom busy =)

Kim Steadman is Director of Rat Race Be Gone, the Empty Nester’s portal to using creative writing as a tool to overcome The Empty Nest Syndrome. Kim can be found on Twitter at @kimsteadman1 and on Google+ at +Kim.
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