Does Your Life Need an Extreme Makeover?

Have ever looked for a simple, effective, and no-nonsense approach to goal setting that can be
used by anyone, anywhere, anytime?
Extreme Life Makeover
What follows is what is called the Extreme Life Makeover.
Follow it to the letter and you will be quite pleased with the outcome.
It’s a simple six step process that is easy to learn, easy to apply, and perhaps most important,
easy to get results from.
1. WHAT specific goal do you want to achieve? Be precise or don’t bother moving to the next step.
2. WHY is the achievement of this goal(s) so important? Be clear on the key drivers and
motivation or the first obstacle will be your undoing.
3. WHO will help you to achieve this goal? Be sure that these are the right people, with the right
talents and intentions.
4. WHERE do you currently stand in relation to this goal? Be ruthless and identify the size of
the performance gap.
5. HOW do you plan on accomplishing this goal? Be deliberate, identify the exact steps, tasks, and
assign responsibility.
6. WHEN will victory be claimed? Be committed, enforce your deadline, and follow one course until
Would you like to learn a number of other simple, yet highly effective strategies for turning your
life around?
Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise known as The Goals Guy, has put together what I believe to be the most
comprehensive approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.
It’s called the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge and it begins on September 23rd, which happens to
be the final 100 days of the year.
Click here for a free video series and report.
Are you still reading? What are you waiting for?
The clock is ticking and if you want to seriously improve your life and corresponding results, I
encourage you to check out the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge right now.
You’re going to love it!
Hugs and feathers from the nest~~()~~
P.S. To make the next 100 days of your life, the
best 100 days of your life your life…you need to
see what’s on the other side of this link:
Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-Feathered Nest. A place of encouragement for moms entering the Empty Nest Zone who find they need to RePurpose and ReDesign their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on Facebook at and on Google+ at +Kim.
Denys Kelley
These are great 6 steps to reaching your goals. Simple and easy. Thanks for sharing them.
Hi Kelley! Keep it simple and easy then goals are more reachable! At least that’s how feel about it! =) Thanks for stopping by!